Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My little monsters

 Super Blake!

 Tigger Bretty

 Jedi Stockton
 So Bryan posted this picture of Stockton on Facebook and our friend Adam saw it and took some "artistic liberty" to it and made him a Sith. I had no idea he was going to so when I saw it we just died laughing.  Now Stockton thinks he shoots lightening out his hands.  I totally love this picture.  His face is so prefect.
 Luigi Tyson

 I make my kids sit by this fence by my house every year for a picture on Halloween but with the weather getting nasty I hurried and took them a few days early.  It's A LOT OF WORK to get 4 little boys to let me take their picture.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Amen to's super hard getting pics of all the kiddos!!! I haven't even taken our Halloween pics yet. I LOVE your cute little Sith Stockton...He's quite the character, isn't he!?! Just curious...but was your photoshop friend Adam Lichfield? Just seems like something totally down his alley. Brings back memories:)