Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan. 20-26th

I can't believe it but Tyson is old enough they invited him to our baptism preview for our stake!  He turns 8 next year on a Friday and can be baptized the next day (Jan 4th) so he was invited to this years preview because he will be baptized by the one they do next year.  Sorry that was really wordy.  ANYWAY him and I went Jan. 20th.  He was so funny.  He was so excited that they showed him where the dressing room was and he got to see the font where they will baptize him.  He asked if he can ware his snorkel in there. They had all the kids get up and sing I'm a child of God and he got up there with them.  Baptism is such a big milestone to me it's really, really weird to think of him getting close to that.  
I noticed I didn't have many pictures of Blake so I went to take one and realized why I didn't.  He won't let me take his picture unless he is in the mood! What a funny kid!  This is his "don't take my picture" face.  
Jan. 22 was a HUGE day!  I pulled out Stockton's little potty a couple of weeks ago and he hasn't really cared much about it. I was getting him dressed and he ran off.  I found him standing in the tub (empty tub) and I could tell he was pooping so I hurried and put him on his potty and he went!  I made a HUGE stink (no pun intended) about it and we called everyone to cheer with him.  He was so excited about it!  So I took him to wal-mart and let him choose a toy.  He was WAY too funny about it!  He had so much fun looking at EVERY boy toy they had in the store.  

I talked him into a star wars toy because that is what he is into.  I'm pretty sure it was sort of a fluke but we will see... 
 on Jan. 23rd I decided to give the potty thing a go and see what happens.  When he woke up I put him on his potty and he went a tiny little bit!  Then I got him to go a lot a little bit later.  Then it went downhill from there and he peed in the undies I put on him.  By the afternoon I just put a diaper on him because I couldn't get him to go.  The next day he ripped off his diaper, went in the bathroom and went poop again! By himself!  But when I stepped in some in the hall that fell off him and I yelled I think it freaked him out because he wont even sit on the potty much now.
Jan. 24- my Beautiful baby!
Jan. 25th Blake and Ty build 'snow forts" in the yard.  Ty had a day off of school. 
Also Jan. 25th Brett is 9 months old!

 Jan. 26th Stockton had a little too much fun eating his pizza for lunch.  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Picture a Day 2013

 I've seen people do this before I thought it would be fun.  I'm going to try (try being the key word) to take a picture every day of something that has to do with that day.  I'm sure it won't always happen.  Heck I've already missed a couple of days I didn't know of.  But I thought I would at least try it in January and see where it goes from there.  

So after a LONG time trying to format this (does anyone else hate trying to move pictures around in blogger???) This may be a long weird post with this many pictures.  SORRY! 

Jan 1st- we were all sick and didn't do anything really noteworthy.  I got my christmas stuff taken down and we got some pizza.  Jan. 2nd Brett loves our new fireplace in our basement.  

Jan. 3rd.  Tyson's 7th birthday! (see post below) Jan. 4th Went to walmart toget stuff for his birthday party including his pinta. 

Jan. 5th was Tyson's party.    Jan. 6th I found a love note from Ty on his glow book.  =)

Jan. 7th I had a picture of Brett trying to crawl because he started crawling this week! But Blogger deleted it- again! I'll do a post on Brett later and add it in that.  The picture in the laundry basket of Stockton is also Jan. 7th.  Jan. 8th Bryan brought up the walker and Brett is getting around and into everything! 

 Jan. 9th Stockton playing his "cello". He asks for random things to pretend he is play the cello all the time.   Jan. 10 Tyson building things with his trio blocks. And the picture with Stockton in the sunglasses.  He had me put them on him like 50 times that day.

 We finally got a good snow storm so Jan. 11 Stockton went outside to help dad shovel.  This is the never ending cold cold cold winter this year!  Jan. 12 Brett is crawling and loves to go over to my shelf and pull everything off of it.  Jan. 15 (I had no idea I didn't get pictures of two days in a row until I started doing this today) Brett's shirt my mom gave him.  He loves to play with the blocks with my boys.
Still Jan. 15 Tyson had his parent teacher conference.  This is the first page of a story he wrote and I helped him proof read.  He did pretty good! Still Jan. 15th (I must have been making up for missed days) the boys all sitting at the bar drawing star wars pictures.  That is the new thing around here!

 Jan. 16th- I got Blake the first set of the "sam" books at the library to teach him to read and Tyson wanted to show him.  He was so proud that he could teach Blake.  It didn't last very long and I helped him later.  He is really picking it up!  He read the first 4 or 5 books of the set! The Same day Stockton wanted to sit on the potty....  yeah.  Nothing has happened from it yet but it thinks it's cool to sit on it.

 Jan. 17th Brett in the morning.  Jan. 18th Me tickling Brett.

 Jan. 19th.  Bryan was working and I had to bath all the kids because we have 9am church now and wouldn't have time in the morning.  Of course I had to get a picture to prove it! It didn't last long.  Brett didn't like it too much.

Tyson's 7th birthday!

It's funny when you look at pictures of your kids from a few years back and think how little they looked.  Tyson is staring to look so grown up to me! I can't believe he has been in my life for 7 years!  He is such a good kid.  

Once again we were sick on Tyson's birthday.  We ALWAYS get sick after Christmas.  It makes me not want to visit with so much family after Christmas but I'm sure by next year I'll change my mind.  At least Ty is old enough that he understands why no one comes to his birthday and everyone else goes to his cousins and brothers birthdays.  I try really hard to make it extra special for him.  
 Tyson got  DS from Santa so he was really excited to get a game he has been looking at online forever now from Blake.  He hugged him and everything.  It was hard for him to care about much else he got for awhile.  We were all feeling better but Brett still had a cough and it has been REALLY REALLY cold this year. Bryan picked up some pizza and Grandpa Palmer came over for some cake.  Grandma Palmer had shingles of all things poor lady and didn't dare come around Brett who isn't old enough for the chicken pox shot.

 Ty loves to build things and I've been nervous to buy him legos because of little baby brothers who put little lego pieces in their mouth so I have loved Trio blocks!  They are bigger and Tyson loves to build with them.
 I always make some grand (well they aren't grand but take a long time) cake for their birthdays and I even bought little mario people to put on top but even though I had been sick for a week I still didn't feel too well.  I asked him if he wanted me to make him a cake or eat razzelberry pie from Marie calendars and he went for pie.  Score!  It's his favorite so he was happy and I was really happy to not have to spend all day making a cake.
 It has been a few years since I had a friends birthday party so we did a mario themed one.  I should post a pic of his invite because it was cute.  I didn't invite too many kids because I didn't want to over do it.  He had 4 little friends and Blake here for it.  We played some simple little games like mario bingo, pin the mustache on the mario, smash the boo balloon.  We made special coin boxes and they earned coins for games they played.  (that sounds fancier then it was).  The highlight was the pinta.

 When it is zero degrees outside (not even kidding) so my garage is like 40 degrees.  I didn't want the kids to freeze so a couple of hours before the party we put some heaters in the garage.  After a hour it was like 42 degrees in there.  So my friend let us borrow a few of her space heaters and we kept tripping the breaker with all the heaters plugged in!  Bryan got the bright idea to turn on his camp chef  flame in there so it was like having a fire pit to warm it up.  It worked! So we keep the kids away from it while they hit the dragon.

 The kids hit the feet off the little guy which they thought was really funny.  Then one of the boys hit the tail RIGHT INTO THE FIRE! They laughed and laughed about it.  I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of the party.  We turned off the burner and it posed no harm or anything.

 I'm grateful to live in a area where Ty can have so many cute little friends that live close by.  I hope he had a great birthday. I love you Tyson!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Christmas

I'm not totally sure why but I had a lot of anxiety about this years Christmas!  I was worried Ty would be upset with his present because he kept asking for something else the couple of weeks before and I didn't know if I got Blake the right stuff.  After all the work I put into buying all of their stuff I just really wanted it to be perfect. 
I was all ready with my phone to take a video in one hand and my camera in the other to take pictures of them coming around the corner and my hand bumped my phone and I missed the reaction of Tyson's on video.  I was so sad! You can kind of see in the next picture him being excited about the huge pile a presents there.

Santa left them angry birds in their stockings.  Stockton thinks he needs all of them.

Notice how Stockton is holding onto candy and not caring about his present?  That's how the morning started.  He wanted to eat the treats instead of open his stuff.  Later he got really into it and started opening whatever present was under the tree. 
 Tyson got a 3 DS from Santa.  He has been asking for a WII U for the last few weeks so when he opened it he said "this isn't what I asked for.  Maybe this is Blake's. " But once he saw it has a new mario game on it he was ok with it.  He has already beat his mario game too.
 Stock's Birdy shirt

 Stocktons wiggle car from my parents.  That will be more fun next summer.
This is my gift from my parents.  It really warms my basement up and I love it!

This was Bretty's first Christmas! He actually loved sitting there eating the wrapping paper and playing with the boxes.  He was on content little guy all morning.
I finished his stocking on the 23rd at like 11 pm.  

hulk punchers!! Blake also got a dream lite, something he has asked for forever!
When we were almost done unwrapping presents Bryan pulled two boxes from behind the tree for the boys.  I had no idea what they were.  They opened them at the same time and they were BB guns.  I think my boys are too young for them but Bryan promised to have them locked up unless he is helping them. They love them!
The aftermath!

Jedi Blake.