Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tyson's 7th birthday!

It's funny when you look at pictures of your kids from a few years back and think how little they looked.  Tyson is staring to look so grown up to me! I can't believe he has been in my life for 7 years!  He is such a good kid.  

Once again we were sick on Tyson's birthday.  We ALWAYS get sick after Christmas.  It makes me not want to visit with so much family after Christmas but I'm sure by next year I'll change my mind.  At least Ty is old enough that he understands why no one comes to his birthday and everyone else goes to his cousins and brothers birthdays.  I try really hard to make it extra special for him.  
 Tyson got  DS from Santa so he was really excited to get a game he has been looking at online forever now from Blake.  He hugged him and everything.  It was hard for him to care about much else he got for awhile.  We were all feeling better but Brett still had a cough and it has been REALLY REALLY cold this year. Bryan picked up some pizza and Grandpa Palmer came over for some cake.  Grandma Palmer had shingles of all things poor lady and didn't dare come around Brett who isn't old enough for the chicken pox shot.

 Ty loves to build things and I've been nervous to buy him legos because of little baby brothers who put little lego pieces in their mouth so I have loved Trio blocks!  They are bigger and Tyson loves to build with them.
 I always make some grand (well they aren't grand but take a long time) cake for their birthdays and I even bought little mario people to put on top but even though I had been sick for a week I still didn't feel too well.  I asked him if he wanted me to make him a cake or eat razzelberry pie from Marie calendars and he went for pie.  Score!  It's his favorite so he was happy and I was really happy to not have to spend all day making a cake.
 It has been a few years since I had a friends birthday party so we did a mario themed one.  I should post a pic of his invite because it was cute.  I didn't invite too many kids because I didn't want to over do it.  He had 4 little friends and Blake here for it.  We played some simple little games like mario bingo, pin the mustache on the mario, smash the boo balloon.  We made special coin boxes and they earned coins for games they played.  (that sounds fancier then it was).  The highlight was the pinta.

 When it is zero degrees outside (not even kidding) so my garage is like 40 degrees.  I didn't want the kids to freeze so a couple of hours before the party we put some heaters in the garage.  After a hour it was like 42 degrees in there.  So my friend let us borrow a few of her space heaters and we kept tripping the breaker with all the heaters plugged in!  Bryan got the bright idea to turn on his camp chef  flame in there so it was like having a fire pit to warm it up.  It worked! So we keep the kids away from it while they hit the dragon.

 The kids hit the feet off the little guy which they thought was really funny.  Then one of the boys hit the tail RIGHT INTO THE FIRE! They laughed and laughed about it.  I'm pretty sure it was the highlight of the party.  We turned off the burner and it posed no harm or anything.

 I'm grateful to live in a area where Ty can have so many cute little friends that live close by.  I hope he had a great birthday. I love you Tyson!

1 comment:

Camey said...

How fun! I wish Spencer lived closer. He would just have so much fun! I think I am going to get that Trio Castle for Spencer. We have legos and all, but once you build it you can't even play with it or it breaks!