Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Jan. 20-26th

I can't believe it but Tyson is old enough they invited him to our baptism preview for our stake!  He turns 8 next year on a Friday and can be baptized the next day (Jan 4th) so he was invited to this years preview because he will be baptized by the one they do next year.  Sorry that was really wordy.  ANYWAY him and I went Jan. 20th.  He was so funny.  He was so excited that they showed him where the dressing room was and he got to see the font where they will baptize him.  He asked if he can ware his snorkel in there. They had all the kids get up and sing I'm a child of God and he got up there with them.  Baptism is such a big milestone to me it's really, really weird to think of him getting close to that.  
I noticed I didn't have many pictures of Blake so I went to take one and realized why I didn't.  He won't let me take his picture unless he is in the mood! What a funny kid!  This is his "don't take my picture" face.  
Jan. 22 was a HUGE day!  I pulled out Stockton's little potty a couple of weeks ago and he hasn't really cared much about it. I was getting him dressed and he ran off.  I found him standing in the tub (empty tub) and I could tell he was pooping so I hurried and put him on his potty and he went!  I made a HUGE stink (no pun intended) about it and we called everyone to cheer with him.  He was so excited about it!  So I took him to wal-mart and let him choose a toy.  He was WAY too funny about it!  He had so much fun looking at EVERY boy toy they had in the store.  

I talked him into a star wars toy because that is what he is into.  I'm pretty sure it was sort of a fluke but we will see... 
 on Jan. 23rd I decided to give the potty thing a go and see what happens.  When he woke up I put him on his potty and he went a tiny little bit!  Then I got him to go a lot a little bit later.  Then it went downhill from there and he peed in the undies I put on him.  By the afternoon I just put a diaper on him because I couldn't get him to go.  The next day he ripped off his diaper, went in the bathroom and went poop again! By himself!  But when I stepped in some in the hall that fell off him and I yelled I think it freaked him out because he wont even sit on the potty much now.
Jan. 24- my Beautiful baby!
Jan. 25th Blake and Ty build 'snow forts" in the yard.  Ty had a day off of school. 
Also Jan. 25th Brett is 9 months old!

 Jan. 26th Stockton had a little too much fun eating his pizza for lunch.  


Heidi said...

Wow! I can't believe he's getting close to baptism age! We are getting old. Actually...just me! you're still very young:)

You're so good at posting to your blog. I'm trying desperately to get "caught up" before the baby is born. How am I going to do it with four???

Wish we were closer. I'd love to do lunch!

Katie said...

Good luck with potty training! Hopefully Stockton will be easy for you! I can't believe Brett is already 9 months old-it seems like you just had him!

Camey said...

You are still keeping up way to go! I like to see read them all. I need to write my day to day stuff down too. I have had a lot of crazy things happen. Do you have the dishwasher again? I can NOT believe TY will be 8! That seems to old! I just can't believe it!