I'm not totally sure why but I had a lot of anxiety about this years Christmas! I was worried Ty would be upset with his present because he kept asking for something else the couple of weeks before and I didn't know if I got Blake the right stuff. After all the work I put into buying all of their stuff I just really wanted it to be perfect.
I was all ready with my phone to take a video in one hand and my camera in the other to take pictures of them coming around the corner and my hand bumped my phone and I missed the reaction of Tyson's on video. I was so sad! You can kind of see in the next picture him being excited about the huge pile a presents there.Santa left them angry birds in their stockings. Stockton thinks he needs all of them.
Notice how Stockton is holding onto candy and not caring about his present? That's how the morning started. He wanted to eat the treats instead of open his stuff. Later he got really into it and started opening whatever present was under the tree.
Tyson got a 3 DS from Santa. He has been asking for a WII U for the last few weeks so when he opened it he said "this isn't what I asked for. Maybe this is Blake's. " But once he saw it has a new mario game on it he was ok with it. He has already beat his mario game too.Stock's Birdy shirt
Stocktons wiggle car from my parents. That will be more fun next summer.
This is my gift from my parents. It really warms my basement up and I love it!
This was Bretty's first Christmas! He actually loved sitting there eating the wrapping paper and playing with the boxes. He was on content little guy all morning.
I finished his stocking on the 23rd at like 11 pm.
hulk punchers!! Blake also got a dream lite, something he has asked for forever!
When we were almost done unwrapping presents Bryan pulled two boxes from behind the tree for the boys. I had no idea what they were. They opened them at the same time and they were BB guns. I think my boys are too young for them but Bryan promised to have them locked up unless he is helping them. They love them!
The aftermath!
Jedi Blake.
Oh my word that is a lot of gifts! How did he beat the game already? I swear these kids come down so technology wired! What is a Wii U versus a Wii? I don't keep up with anything! Anyhow- your kids are cute and spoiled!
Looks like a very fun Christmas! I have got to show you a picture of the stockings I made for my family this year.....EXACT fabric as yours!!! Great moms think alike!
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