Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

May the force be with you...

Tyson has been having a hard time focusing at school so his teacher has a little chart on his desk that when he is on task he gets a point and if he isn't she gets a point.  She sends his chart home with him everyday and I sign it.  Bryan told Ty if he beat Mrs. Downs we would take him to the fun park so on Monday we did.  Of course we had to buy there pizza for dinner but my boys loved it.  They have a soft play thing where they can run around and they have a blast.  Fun way to spend family home evening. 

Tuesday (the 12th) We didn't do too much.  Sometimes it's just nice to be home. Wed. the 13th I took the younger two boys to Sam's club to grab a few things while the older ones where at school.  I like how there are two spots for kids in their carts so I can put both my little ones in their.  Brett loves to be up where he can see! It's nice his car seat isn't taking up the whole cart too.  Stock was freaking out and wanted to get down most of the time in the store.  He ended up running around the isles and standing in the freezers.  What a handful. Makes me wonder why I leave the  house!

I've been trying to spend more time with Blake before he starts kindergarden this fall so we decided to build a fort. It didn't last too long before someone broke it but it was fun to do something just for him.
Bryan had to work all day and then at night on Valentines day so I really didn't see him at all.  I had to take Brett back in to the dr. for a rash he has too so after I got done with that and got home Bryan turned around and left for work.  Tyson had a lot of fun at school though.  He got a lot of candy and loved looking through all the cards he got.  It's fun to see my kids get to do things that I loved growing up with too.  Blake had a party the day before and loved it.  

Friday the 15th I tried to take some picture of Brett and he didn't want to hold still.  That night we watched the old Star Wars movies I bought for Bryan for Valentines day (and my boys, the LOVE star wars) and Stockton had to wear the jedi cloak and kept getting us with the "force".  I think he loves star wars most of all!

Saturday we took the boys on  a drive and Bryan helped him shoot the 22. Blake especially loves shooting the gun.  We only did that for like 5 minutes but it was nice to go on a drive.  Then we went to McDonalds play land and they had a ball playing in that.
I never bake.  It's so messy and I usually burn everything so I don't do it every often.  My sis in law Becca gave me this great recipe for chocolate chip cookies I wanted to try with my older boys.  They actually turned out pretty good!  They didn't care to help much but I wanted them to a little.  They liked to eat them though!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

It's February!

I hate January.  The only thing good January gave me was Tyson but his birthday is at the beginning and it's just a long month! So I am very happy it's February! 

Feb. 4th Stockton thought he would wear this funny happy birthday hat Ty's teacher gave him around the house.  Feb. 5 I caught Brett standing next to my couch!  I had never seen him pull himself up to standing before!

Feb. 6th I took the boys to walmart to get a few things and we end up looking like that.  I feel like a walking train wreak wherever I go. One kid is throwing a fit the other is pulling things off the shelves and the baby is crying.  I'm a mess!
 Stockton thought he would take his cashews while he did his business.  Which isn't going very well considering the fact he really doesn't care to pee all over my house even after I just took him to try and go.  So I'm backing off.  I can only clean up so much pee before I want to scream.  
 Brett had his well check on Feb. 7th and he is as you can see 21 lbs 7 oz!  I think he is almost 29 inches long.  He is in the 60th percentile on both.  Big boy! Blake got his kindgarden shots while we were there and he was so scared.  You could just see it on his face. I was worried he was going to totally freak out.  He freaked when he saw the needle and freaked when she poked him the first time but after his second shot he said "that wasn't so bad!" He was SO HAPPY it was over! Poor kid.  Glad it's over too.

Feb. 8th  Stockton is crazy!

Feb. 9th we woke up to it snowing.  Whenever Bryan pulls out the snowblower Stockton wants to be right with him.  He gets his mower out and pushes it behind Bryan.  That morning Bryan ran out to get the mail and didn't see the black ice under the skif of snow on our stairs and slipped and feel all the way down the stairs (like 4-5 feet down) and really hurt him!  His wrist and back are really hurt poor guy!  
 Later that day my parents and my brothers family came up for my cousins farewell the next day.  Bryan was at work so it was just my boys and I with the rest of the family that went out to eat for my mom's birthday that was in a few days.  It was crazy!  To take care of Brett and Stockton alone was a chore.  Good thing I had my family there with me!
My boys love my dad.  Stockton kept asking where Buddy papa was that whole day if he couldn't see him.  

Feb. 10 the kids all dressed for church.  We went to my cousin Stephanie's mission farewell.  

Brett and Kiya are only 8 days apart in age so they are both 10 months.  I love this picture.  =) They like each other. She especially likes to get up right next to him.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brett @ 9 months

 Sweet baby Brett.  He is 9 months old and I realized I never did a 8th month  update.  So I better get on doing his 9 month one before he is all of the sudden 10 months!
He is FINALLY getting some hair!  He had, by far, the most hair when he was a baby and it has taken him the longest to grow it all back.  It's almost a little red which is possible since my cousins on my mom's side of the family are 9 out of 21 redheads.  
 At  his well check up today he was 21lbs and 7 oz and just shy of 29 inches long. Like the rest of my kids he hasn't gained as much weight since he started to crawl everywhere.  He is still the 60th percentile in weight and height.  I can't believe that many kids are heaver then him at this age!
 The biggest news of this month was Brett learned to crawl!!  He is really good at it too!  He was just over 8 months old when he started.  I honestly wasn't ready for it because he eats everything off the floor.  Every little paper or toy my boys leave down goes right in his mouth.  He tares up books now too.  But he is happier to be moving around so that helps.  He started standing along stuff a couple of days ago too.  I hope he gives me a few months before he walks.
 Brett LOVES TO BATH! But only when he can have dad help him.  He freaks out when I try to bathe him.  Makes Bryan feel important and gives me a break for at least 5 minutes.
 Brett has turned into a daddy's boy.  The other day when Bryan came home he was sitting on the floor and when Bryan walked past him he started to cry until he got picked up.  He also says Dada all the time.  I kind of thought he just liked to babble it but he says it a lot when he sees Bryan.  We got to work on him saying mama now!
 We are a big fan of this walker in my  house!  He loves it and it scares Stockton.  He doesn't like when Brett chases after him in it because it hurts when it runs over your feet.  Brett is pretty fast in it now too.

 Stock and Brett are already little buddies.

 I'm trying to feed him more solid foods but it's hard when I'm not sure what foods really do bother his belly.  I'm still holding off giving him anything with milk in it because he seems to upset his tummy.  Makes me feel bad when we hare having ice cream or a frosty and I can't give him any.
This is Brett's "I'm trying to get out of this" face. He does it in his car seat A LOT!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Week three at the Palmers

Jan. 27th we had church and came home with a LOT of snow! It snowed and snowed until we had like a foot of it.  Bryan loves to get out his snowblower so he spent a lot of the afternoon outside.  Stockton really wanted to go with him so I bundled him up and sent him out.  Blake really wanted to help with the new little snow shovel that I bought him.  Bryan was going to go across the street to help the neighbors dig out of the snow so I brought Stock inside.  His face was bright red and he must have been cold but he was so angry with me!  He was screaming "help dad! Help dad!" and hitting the door.  He usually doesn't act like that!  When Bryan came back he took him back outside and he was so happy.  I love how my kids at this age love to be out helping dad. On the way home from my in-laws for Sunday dinner the temple looked so pretty I had to take a picture.  One of my all time favorite memories was Stockton was a tiny new baby and he was awake to eat.  I had the blinds cracked open a little bit and it was snowing.  There is something so peaceful and beautiful about the world when it's snowing.  That moment was so peaceful and I just cuddled my tiny little baby and felt so happy.  I'll never forget that.

When Ty came home from school on Jan. 28th he was excited to play in the snow piles.  He climbed to the top of a big one and Blake thought he could just step onto the snow and sank in it.  He feel forward and got his hands all cold.  He was screaming and carrying on because his hands were cold.  I wonder where he gets the being dramatic from?  Bryan was wrestling with the boys and Brett had to join in the fun.  

 I braved the snow to head to the store with the boys on Jan. 29th.  Brett looked really cute with his hat on.
              My mom came for a visit on Jan. 30th in between snow storms.  She bought the boys angry bird coloring books and they all loved them.  I took the boys to the hobby lobby and got some scrapbook stuff I needed.  I got Stockton this little chick that he has loved ever since.  I used to hop around when you wound it up but it's been loved a little too much.  We called it 'cheep cheep.'

We spent Thursday morning Jan. 31th at my Grandma Jenkins house while my mom was there.  It finally warmed up enough that some of the snow was melting.  I look asleep in the picture below...  It was SO nice to see some blue sky!  I even cracked some of my windows open when I got home for a minute to just get a little bit of fresh air in my house.  I took the picture above in River Heights on my way home from her house.  Stockton was being a little funny all morning but he was running around and being mostly normal. I was downstairs cleaning up when I heard him cry from his crib where he was taking a nap.  I went in there and there was pink throw up ALL OVER EVERYTHING!  All over the walls and his bed.  Yuck!  So I spent the rest of the day cleaning up puke, being puked on, tell him no you can't have a drink because you just threw up his last one. I found  him laying on the couch like this picture above.  Where do boys learn to do that???  The things I've learned about boys since being a mom.

Feb. 1st we hung out at home and Stockton was doing better.  My mom came over in the afternoon and took Blake to the dollar store.  My dishwasher has been the BIGGEST PAIN EVER the last couple of months so I bought a new one.  I had the repair man come out like 10 times I'm not even kidding because it wouldn't quit leaking. I didn't want to pay the 120 bucks + for them to put it in so my father in law said he could help.  Bryan and him were trying to unplug my old one so he turned off the water to it and started to pull the tube off (under the sink) and water started spraying EVERYWHERE! Gallons and gallons of it! Right in his face! He was yelling to Bryan to hurry and shut the water to the house off and he ran downstairs to do it.  If you know the Palmers they tease each other a ton.  Especially their dad.  So he got teased a lot from Bryan about this.  Then after all of that (and a lot of clean up) they pulled the new washer out and it didn't have the hoses and power cord we needed to install it.  So I still don't have a working dishwasher!!  Should have just paid the money and not bothered Bryan's poor dad to help us.  My mom came back over so Bryan and I could go out on a much needed date.  Wish I had a picture of it!  We haven't been out just the two of us since I think our anniversary over a year before.  We went to Oliver Garden and Bryan laughed until he cried about his dad getting sprayed in the face with the water.  I wish we went out more together because with out the stress of juggling the kids Is fun to just hang out with him. 

Feb 2nd I wanted to do something fun so we drove up to Hardware Ranch to see the Elk.  I'm too cheep to pay to ride the sleigh around to get close to them so we just drive up and go to the visitors center. 

Stockton especially liked the animals in the visitors center.  He really loves animals.