Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Brett @ 9 months

 Sweet baby Brett.  He is 9 months old and I realized I never did a 8th month  update.  So I better get on doing his 9 month one before he is all of the sudden 10 months!
He is FINALLY getting some hair!  He had, by far, the most hair when he was a baby and it has taken him the longest to grow it all back.  It's almost a little red which is possible since my cousins on my mom's side of the family are 9 out of 21 redheads.  
 At  his well check up today he was 21lbs and 7 oz and just shy of 29 inches long. Like the rest of my kids he hasn't gained as much weight since he started to crawl everywhere.  He is still the 60th percentile in weight and height.  I can't believe that many kids are heaver then him at this age!
 The biggest news of this month was Brett learned to crawl!!  He is really good at it too!  He was just over 8 months old when he started.  I honestly wasn't ready for it because he eats everything off the floor.  Every little paper or toy my boys leave down goes right in his mouth.  He tares up books now too.  But he is happier to be moving around so that helps.  He started standing along stuff a couple of days ago too.  I hope he gives me a few months before he walks.
 Brett LOVES TO BATH! But only when he can have dad help him.  He freaks out when I try to bathe him.  Makes Bryan feel important and gives me a break for at least 5 minutes.
 Brett has turned into a daddy's boy.  The other day when Bryan came home he was sitting on the floor and when Bryan walked past him he started to cry until he got picked up.  He also says Dada all the time.  I kind of thought he just liked to babble it but he says it a lot when he sees Bryan.  We got to work on him saying mama now!
 We are a big fan of this walker in my  house!  He loves it and it scares Stockton.  He doesn't like when Brett chases after him in it because it hurts when it runs over your feet.  Brett is pretty fast in it now too.

 Stock and Brett are already little buddies.

 I'm trying to feed him more solid foods but it's hard when I'm not sure what foods really do bother his belly.  I'm still holding off giving him anything with milk in it because he seems to upset his tummy.  Makes me feel bad when we hare having ice cream or a frosty and I can't give him any.
This is Brett's "I'm trying to get out of this" face. He does it in his car seat A LOT!


Camey said...

He is getting SO big and I can't tell who he looks like! Different than your other boys.

Camey said...

P.S. Love that they are becoming buddies. So fun to have 4 boys!