Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

May the force be with you...

Tyson has been having a hard time focusing at school so his teacher has a little chart on his desk that when he is on task he gets a point and if he isn't she gets a point.  She sends his chart home with him everyday and I sign it.  Bryan told Ty if he beat Mrs. Downs we would take him to the fun park so on Monday we did.  Of course we had to buy there pizza for dinner but my boys loved it.  They have a soft play thing where they can run around and they have a blast.  Fun way to spend family home evening. 

Tuesday (the 12th) We didn't do too much.  Sometimes it's just nice to be home. Wed. the 13th I took the younger two boys to Sam's club to grab a few things while the older ones where at school.  I like how there are two spots for kids in their carts so I can put both my little ones in their.  Brett loves to be up where he can see! It's nice his car seat isn't taking up the whole cart too.  Stock was freaking out and wanted to get down most of the time in the store.  He ended up running around the isles and standing in the freezers.  What a handful. Makes me wonder why I leave the  house!

I've been trying to spend more time with Blake before he starts kindergarden this fall so we decided to build a fort. It didn't last too long before someone broke it but it was fun to do something just for him.
Bryan had to work all day and then at night on Valentines day so I really didn't see him at all.  I had to take Brett back in to the dr. for a rash he has too so after I got done with that and got home Bryan turned around and left for work.  Tyson had a lot of fun at school though.  He got a lot of candy and loved looking through all the cards he got.  It's fun to see my kids get to do things that I loved growing up with too.  Blake had a party the day before and loved it.  

Friday the 15th I tried to take some picture of Brett and he didn't want to hold still.  That night we watched the old Star Wars movies I bought for Bryan for Valentines day (and my boys, the LOVE star wars) and Stockton had to wear the jedi cloak and kept getting us with the "force".  I think he loves star wars most of all!

Saturday we took the boys on  a drive and Bryan helped him shoot the 22. Blake especially loves shooting the gun.  We only did that for like 5 minutes but it was nice to go on a drive.  Then we went to McDonalds play land and they had a ball playing in that.
I never bake.  It's so messy and I usually burn everything so I don't do it every often.  My sis in law Becca gave me this great recipe for chocolate chip cookies I wanted to try with my older boys.  They actually turned out pretty good!  They didn't care to help much but I wanted them to a little.  They liked to eat them though!

1 comment:

Camey said...

You are such a fun mom. It would be so nice to have a basement where they could just run and play! I really wish we lived closer. I need you my friend!