I hate January. The only thing good January gave me was Tyson but his birthday is at the beginning and it's just a long month! So I am very happy it's February!
Feb. 4th Stockton thought he would wear this funny happy birthday hat Ty's teacher gave him around the house. Feb. 5 I caught Brett standing next to my couch! I had never seen him pull himself up to standing before!
Feb. 6th I took the boys to walmart to get a few things and we end up looking like that. I feel like a walking train wreak wherever I go. One kid is throwing a fit the other is pulling things off the shelves and the baby is crying. I'm a mess!
Stockton thought he would take his cashews while he did his business. Which isn't going very well considering the fact he really doesn't care to pee all over my house even after I just took him to try and go. So I'm backing off. I can only clean up so much pee before I want to scream.
Brett had his well check on Feb. 7th and he is as you can see 21 lbs 7 oz! I think he is almost 29 inches long. He is in the 60th percentile on both. Big boy! Blake got his kindgarden shots while we were there and he was so scared. You could just see it on his face. I was worried he was going to totally freak out. He freaked when he saw the needle and freaked when she poked him the first time but after his second shot he said "that wasn't so bad!" He was SO HAPPY it was over! Poor kid. Glad it's over too.
Feb. 8th Stockton is crazy!
My boys love my dad. Stockton kept asking where Buddy papa was that whole day if he couldn't see him.
Feb. 10 the kids all dressed for church. We went to my cousin Stephanie's mission farewell.
1 comment:
Cute cute cousin pictures!
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