Man I love this kid. Brett is my little sweetie. He is a HUGE mama's boy! He hates it when I leave to go anywhere. Which is cute he loves me so much and hard that I can't really leave him anywhere. He is starting to want to walk. He stands up next to everything and is starting to open all of my drawers and pull everything out. He was unrolling the toilet paper earlier today. I got him a little toy that he can walk behind and he has gotten good at it.
We had a very hungry caterpillar birthday party. My boys love that book. Brett doesn't really let me read the book to him because he wants to tare it apart all the time. 
We had a caterpillar cake and lots of fruit
A few cousins came over for cake.
Bretty was NOT shy about eating his cake! He dove right in. What a boy. It was hard to find him the right cake and frostine with his milk allergy but I really wanted him to have some cake on his birthday.
We actually did two different birthday "cakes' for Brett. Bryan is still in Germany so he skyped us around noon to see Brett. It's the only way we can talk to him while he is gone. More on Germany later but it made me sad his dad wasn't there in person. At least he still sang and saw him even if it was on the computer.
Brett you have been such a joy in my life. You coming into our home when you did has made things crazy but I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love how you snuggle into me when I pick you up. I love how you smile so big when you see me in the morning. You love your brothers and in turn they are totally crazy about you. You are a very sensitive and sweet little boy. You are a tender little guy and can get scared kind of easy. Brett you love to be held. But not by just anyone really only me . Which I kind of love that you love me that much. You have the sweetest little giggle when I tickle you and are easy to get to smile. There is nothing more I wish for then to be a good mother for you. I hope you know how much we love you and how you are a very important part of our family. Love,