Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, April 26, 2013

Snow Canyon

Friday was a beautiful day in St. George so we went up to Snow Canyon to play around a bit.  
 My dad always calls my kids crazy galoots so we had to get a picture by this sign.
 Volcanic rock- he thought that was the coolest thing he had ever seen.
 We went on what we thought was going to be a easy hike but was NOT! I was worried Ty was going to trip and fall off the mountain.

 Tyson is my mountain goat.  The boy really does love to be outside and explore things.
 Snow canyon is beautiful!  The hike we did would have been great if we had a couple more adults or older kids.
Ty found a cactus.  This is him on the side of the rock.  

 Kiya and Brett liked being in the backpacks. I was lucky my dad was willing to take Brett for me.  I wanted to take Stockton myself because the panic mom in me was so scared he was going to roll off the cliff or something and I wanted to make sure I had him.

 Blake liked hiking around too.  Between my side- the Boy scout backpacking type and Bryan's the hunting big deer all fall and  hiking to find them all summer it comes as no surprise they like to be outdoors.
I think on of the biggests shocks of the trip to me was how much Brett loved the sand.  He would have rolled around in it if I let him!  At one point he plopped his face right down into the sand.  Then he sat up with a big grin on his face and covered in sand. Kiya on the other hand HATED the sand.  She was kind of tired too so maybe that's why. 

My boys had fun rolling around and digging in the sand.  

 Sand angel.

 Stockton throwing a shovel at me . What am I going to do with him?
I really do love my kids.  I feel like a basket case all the time trying to take care of all of them but I just really love being with them.  That's why I don't work.  I want to be with them as much as I can.  With a few little breaks to the store of course.  =)

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