Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, April 19, 2013

Garage shelves

The week or so before Easter Bryan's dad helped us put some really nice shelves in our garage.  Bryan is 6'4 so you can imagine how tall they are.  His brothers came to help the Friday of Easter weekend and we were able to get them all done.  

 Easter Sunday a lot of the kids went with Grandpa to feed his horse.  I loved how it looked with them all walking through the field.

 Bryan's already filled his shelves up.  His has his junk places I have mine I guess. I does look a lot better then it did though!
 Ty drew me this.  I love him.  =) 
 The kids eating ice cream at Grandma's . 
 Poor Laycee with hear heart condition can't run for very long so Bryan tired to hold her for a little bit of a soccer game the men had with the kids. Her little body just can't keep up with her spirit.

 Fast forward a week and the men went to priesthood session together.  I had to get my after priesthood picture.  It's been awhile since Bryan has been able to go now  he isn't working Saturdays anymore so he was happy to be with his family.

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