I'm so behind! Here we go for March! Disneyland was the first part of March. Here is after that-
March 11- I didn't take pictures for a few days after Disney. I guess I was in detox. Here is a pic of Brett a few days after we got back. March 12th was such a beautiful day! We were spoiled with some early spring weather! Stockton started going down the slide for the first time ever. Now he is scared of it and he wont go down.
It was so nice in fact I decided to brave it and walk to the elementary school where Blake needed to do his Kindergarden registration. We had to wait forever! And the little boys were left in the double stroller much longer then they wanted to but it was done. We pulled ty out of class 20 minutes early so we didn't have to wait for him to get out of school. Blake did really good with his little test they gave him! It makes me really sad he is going to school next year. I love having him home with me.
The 13th we spent a lot of time outside. We have been dying to get outside forever! Stockton bolts whenever the doors open. I'm going to have a hard summer chasing after him. Blake holding Brett above.
Went to pick up something from a friend on the 14th and I saw this in front of her house. My other friend Sheri wanted to try to persuade the dog lovers in the neighborhood to slow down as they drove. I guess they have some speedy neighbors that love dogs. Totally cracked me up.Found this hat at Kohls on the 15th and Stock walked around the store in it making the vader breathing noise.
On the 16th my Brother and his family came into town for a couple of wedding receptions. One was for my cousin Reggie and right after that was for my neighbor growing up in Nampa Idaho Crystal Emery. We was really good friends with me when we were little especially. I was lucky she got married in Logan so I could go to her reception!
Kiya caught the bouquet- she was a little upset with the attention. She beat out like 15 girls standing in front of her and Nate was holding her up in the air and got a bouquet to the face. I hope for the other girls sake that she isn't the next to get married or they will have to wait a long time!
On the 16th I caught Brett sleeping like this: I love his little sweet face and lips puckered out like that.
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