I noticed earlier this year I was taking a lot of pictures with my phone and ver little pictures with my nikon camera. As much as I love how handy it is to take pictures with my phone the quality doesn't even close to compare with my nikon so I've tried to use my nicer camera more. But it just is too dang handy to have a camera with my phone that I have with me all the time! So I do use it a lot still and here is the proof. I kind of feel like my phone is awesome at showing the every day life sort of things. And I love instagram. So a lot of these pictures are from that too.
So this is my life lately:
My father in law took my older boys on Saturday to park valley to shoot bb guns, drink root beer and "be men" whatever that means for a 5 and 7 year old. They just loved being one of the big boys. They even talked about who had the most chest hair. I'm pretty sure Blake lost. Ty shot a glass bottle and impressed all the boys. It was a fun day for them.Bryan took Ty and Blake fishing and didn't have very good bug spray. Ty had 41 mosquito bites. He had like 20 on one arm. Poor kid.
We took the boys to Ryan's place park down the street one night. We need to do that more often because they love it.
Our neighbors meet us there. We love having fun people next door.
We wheeled the tv to the opening of our basement and watched the sand lot one night. We have done this one other time with a few friends. It's really fun.
Mid haircut we were laughing how we should leave it and give him a mullet. Don't worry we didn't.
The Brenchley girls Izzy and Livy. They made Bryan a cat. They are the cutest girls ever. I will be super sad when they move someday.
Rare rain storm. We love to sit on the porch and watch summer rain storms.
Ty asked to see the temple on the way home from Grandma Palmers one day. Then he wanted to walk around the temple and how do you say no to that? You don't, so we walked. I got a few more pictures but you get the point.
My sis in law Heather and I were doing a project we we had all 7 total of our kids at the store. We had to watch the fish for awhile. We can't walk past the fish without stopping.
We did a Friday fun day sort of and went to 7 peaks and cableas.
Love his hair! I can't bring myself to cut it because it has a couple of curls in the back and I'm pretty sure that he will look bald because it's only long in the center.
Brett likes to help me "cook" a lot. He was cooking his potato in my pan by me on the floor. He gets the pans out all the time.My boys have been begging for a john deere gator for YEARS and the Brenchleys got one from a family member and fixed it up. My boys are just foaming at the bit to ride it with them. They are kind enough to let us from time to time.
Tyson got a prayer rock from church, went right home and put it on his pillow. Blake did soon after. He cried forever when Bryan put Blake's in the fish tank. Sunday they both got little "secret service" heart. We found ours on our bed where Ty had tried to make it for us. So sweet. Blake made Tyson's bed for him.
Bear Lake
Brett and Kiya
Tyson caught a craw fish! He was so proud of himself.
Ty was eating a bear lake raspberry shake and wanted a picture of the mess he made on his face. This is my background on my phone right now I love this picture so much. Look at those eyes?
So it's my in laws 40th anniversary and I thought they needed a nice gift from the family. I got in over my head though. This was a lot more work then it looks!!! I think it turned out pretty cute. My sis in law did the binding so this isn't the finished product yet but you get the idea.
Sunday morning bath.
Sannette is my best friend- at least that is what she tells me. I'm her new favorite for some reason I'm not sure but I love it! I'll take it! She calls me to say hi. She told everyone about my birthday coming up and most people had no idea who I was she was telling. She talks about me to her toys. I love it.
Brett is obsessed with the hose. What little toddler isn't?
Brett goes to the freezer and hits it and cries until I give him a otter pop.
Taking Ty to his first day of school! Blake went later that day.
Blake showing me his name. I miss my boys when they are at school but I have to admit I really love the peace for a little bit.
Brett had his well check and he is 24 lbs and doing great! We tested his blood for allergies because we were worried he was reacting to something and that was really sad. We went right from shots to drawing blood. They couldn't get enough from his one arm they had to do the other too. =( But the AMAZING NEWS is he isnt' allergic to milk!!! I have no idea how long that was going on but no more soy milk for him! It's amazing- he is doing so good. Much better with milk. I can feed him anything and it's fantastic.
Poor Blake is going through a little ruff patch. It occured to him that he could die someday recently and he is scared there is something wrong with him all the time. I have to talk him though it. He will be freaking out "I can't feel my heart beating!" and I have to tell him that he wouldn't be talking and walking around if his heart wasn't beating. He told me today that school is too many days and it's been hard to not be home with me. He is so mean to me but at the same time he wants to be with me. He is a tender little guy. I think he is taking out the change in his life by being a fart to me. He doesn't like me to take his picture and freaks when i try so that is why I don't have as many of him.
We had to celebrate the no allergies with a frosty. Of course, he had to dip the fry in it.
I'm the nursery leader in my ward and over the summer our group went from like 4 maybe 5 kids to like 12. Just with move in's! Brett comes now a little bit just because I'm in there.
We had to take Stock in to get a cavity fixed. I was dreading it forever but had to get it done. He did really, really good for about a half hour then he went nuts. I had to pretty much lay on top of him trying to get him to hold still so they could finish up. Poor little guy. It's so hard to see them that upset. But it's done and I'm a HUGE fan of pediatric dentists.
I've been working on a quilt for Tyson for his baptism and I love it so far!
I don't know if you can even tell but I broke my toe. And it hurts a lot. Note to self: when taking things off shelves in the garage make sure the pruning sheers are not on top of what you are pulling off. Lucky for me just the handle hit my foot and not the blade and it didn't hit my kids. It was a fun way to kick off my 30th birthday the next day.
Blake and I love a place in Logan called Mo Bettah's. he even drew a picture of us going there. So for my birthday we went. My big black and blue toe and all.
My husband SPOILED me and got me a ipad for my birthday!! I love it! What a great guy I married. =) He did really good for my birthday this year. I don't have a picture on it here but he got me a spongebob squarepants birthday cake because it's Bryan and that's what he does. He told the lady at walmart to put "happy 30th birthday" and she asked if I was special needs. Because what 30 year old likes spongebob? He told her I really liked spongebob so he got me that cake.
He arranged for a babysitter so we went on a super, super rare date and went to texas roadhouse together. we need to do that more often. It reminds me that I really do like to be with him.
Sorry this is gross but this is the bottom of my hurt foot. I wonder what kind of damage I've really done to myself? I woke up for church Sunday with my hurt foot and a pinched nerve in my neck. so I had my head off to the side and I limped around. What a great way to start my 30ies!
Beautiful Sunday! Beautiful Sunset!
SOOOOO proud of my husband! he ran a 10K with some in our family on Monday in the pouring, drenching rain. He did really good too! Just over 53 minutes. He could have done better but was really slow at the beginning. By the time we got to our van we were all soaked from head to toe. Part of my flower bed. I love flowers.
Last but not least Brett's fish face. Man I love that kid.
1 comment:
I feel the same way about the iphone but I still use it just as much, if not more than my Canon. But I love the daily life shots. Cute pictures. :)
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