Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Palmers 40th anniversary

I wanted to hurry and write down a few thoughts about this awesome night I had with my Palmer family.  It was my in laws 40 wedding anniversary and we had been working a long time to figure out what we wanted to do for it.  We ended up going to the temple and doing sealing's for some family names my niece had found.  It's really hard to get everyone in town now a days since Joe and Cory both live a few hours away so it was extra special to have everyone there.  

 Since I of course wasn't there when Bryan's older brother and sister was married it was neat to see them in the sealing room with their spouses.  Almost like you could picture it when they were married.  As corny as that sounds.  It was especially neat to watch his parents who have been married for 40 years and to have all 5 of their kids there was extra cool.  I hope I can have that when Bryan and I are married 40 years.  I would love to have all my kids worthy to be there with me.

In the planning stages of all of this I really thought we should give them something but I wasn't sure what.  We ended up going with a quilt with all the kids handprints on them.  I figured it wouldn't been too much work but it was.  And since the sister in laws that can sew are the ones that live far away I had to do a lot of it and they helped where they could.

I didn't have a picture of it totally finished where you can see it all so here is the un bound version.  I was really surprised how much she really did love it.  It is hanging over the banister in her house for people to see when they stop by. She has told me a few times how much she loves it.  I'm glad- it was a lot of work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute quilt! How fun!