Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Seriously I don't know what I'm going to do with this kid.  Today I went to put the milk away and noticed he had stuck the bredding part of his corn dog in the milk jug.  I couldn't get it out and was worried I would end up eating chunks so I decided it was better just to dump it all down the drain. I'm pretty sure he put most of his bread in there.  
 He tells me every night "don't turn the dark on mom".  He hates the dark.

My sister in law Jenny told him the other day "you sure are cute Stockton" and he said Yeah I know I am.
He keeps telling me to call him all different names. One day he is Yoda (like on his shirt) then the next he is spiderman.  Other days he is a dinosaur and so on.  Totally depends on what his shirt he had on that day.

He loves Paul Bunuion lately.  He carries a stick or whatever else singing "hey Paul- Paul Bunion.!  He's 63 ax handles high..." etc.  He even marches along.