Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ty guy update

It's been a really up and down year with Tyson's school work.  When he was diagnosed with ADHD it was hard but it really didn't hit me until later in the summer. I would sit down to do a simple school work type thing it would take a hour and lots of tears (from him and I) until It was done.  The day I had him write his old teacher a simple note before I mailed a form for her to fill out on Tyson for his Dr. about his attention problems was when it hit me. It took his seriously a half hour to write like two lines of words. In just watched him play outside after and cried that this was his life and it wasn't a simple problem what wasn't going away.  So I kept getting books from the library and reading with him.  I kept making him do math timings and writing practice and we kept fighting over getting it done. Then I would worry and worry and worry about him.  I feel like his success in school is all on me and it is m  a heavy burden.

When school started and I knew he had a BRAND new teacher just hired like a week before school started I REALLY worried.  I was a new teacher once too,  which to be honest made me worry more.  Would she know how to handle a little boy who was good but need a lot of extra attention to get his work done?  Would she even notice that is why is work doesn't get done or is done really poorly?  I even met with the Principal about it.  Then school started and I decided to kind of sit back for a few weeks to let the teachers get to know him before I threw his label on him.  I didn't want them to predetermine anything.  I know that kind of sounds funny but Bryan was really adamant about that.  He was prejudged a lot growing up and to be honestly sometimes rightfully so.  But when he would sit down in a high school class and the teacher would treat him like a horrible person before he opened his mouth really bothered him.

So anyway a little over a month into school we had parent teacher conferences.  I had only talked to his teachers on back to school night so I was really anxious to see what they said.  I had Blake's first and he is doing awesome!  I knew he would.  I was in and out and 10 minutes about.  Then we got to Tyson's and they start pulling out his school work.  Everything they showed me that he was struggling in is stuff I know he knows but I could tell it was the type of thing he would have a hard time focusing on.  I was really worried about his dibbles scores.  They were really low at the end of last year.  Which is a big reason why we worked so hard last summer on it.  I kind of braced myself and she showed me that he was AT OR ABOVE BENCHMARK ON EVERYTHING! I really truly had to hold back the tears.  what a blessing that is!!  Even though I kind of hate dibbles because I dont' think it's that great at telling you if your child is really doing well in school but it was really, really good for Tyson to see that.  I made a big deal of how all his hard work is paying off and how proud I was of him.  His whole countenance changed.  We still have a lot of work to do to keep him caught up and this is far from over but for the one day Tyson really knew he can do it and he is really smart.  I ended up talking to them for like 30-40 minutes.  We have been reading scriptures every night since June and I got the impression when I saw his test scores it was a blessing from doing that and I fully believe that.  We have him help read a verse or two every night with us and that with God blessing us for doing (and Tyson's hard work reading all summer) are the reason he is doing so well.  I am so grateful for this little tender mercy.  It was wonderful to see my little boy so proud of himself and he knows that he worked hard and it paid off.

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