Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

My little monsters

 Super Blake!

 Tigger Bretty

 Jedi Stockton
 So Bryan posted this picture of Stockton on Facebook and our friend Adam saw it and took some "artistic liberty" to it and made him a Sith. I had no idea he was going to so when I saw it we just died laughing.  Now Stockton thinks he shoots lightening out his hands.  I totally love this picture.  His face is so prefect.
 Luigi Tyson

 I make my kids sit by this fence by my house every year for a picture on Halloween but with the weather getting nasty I hurried and took them a few days early.  It's A LOT OF WORK to get 4 little boys to let me take their picture.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Hunting season

I'm finally getting around to posting this as Bryan is sounds asleep next to me just a few wee hours before he will be up to hunt deer tomorrow morning so that's kind of ironic. For some reason lately it takes me forever to fall asleep!! Anyway it seems all the years of Bryan being in school where he didn't have time to hunt we're all bottled up and they exploded this year. These are all different hunts and the only ones where they were successful. I honestly figure there are a heck of a lot worse things he could be doing then hiking around the mountins with his brothers. 

Bryan's two brothers Cory and Joe on Joes hunt in Wyoming. I should know the stats but it think it's a 26 in buck. 
A mere like 5 days before Bryan and Cory found this deer on the same hunt in Wyoming. I think this one is 25 inches. Bryan has been putting out for this hunt for a couple of years but is as of yet not been able to draw. Fine by me it's like a 400 dollar hunt!!
My boys on the antelope hunt (see previous post)
Last weekend my nephew short this deer on the Cache hunt with all the men here. Missing is a picture of my nephew Spencer's deer he got in Wyoming but since Bryan wasn't there when he shot it I left it out. 

So I made it this long without having to pay to get a deer mounted for my wall. Hopefully I can says that at this time tomorrow! I  an think of a lot more things I would rather have on my wall!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Blake's 6th birthday

Blake has been asking me about his birthday all year I'm not kidding. I finally told him in like April not to ask me stuff like "mom on my birthday can I eat at (restaurant name here)? I would always answer yes Blake where ever you want on your birthday. He is like his mama and really loves having his own special day. I stressed a lot about being able to give him that but at the end of the day he said it was the best birthday ever! Mission accomplished.  

Check out Stocktons face in this picture. He wanted all of Blake's toys to himself the whole day. 
We had Blake's best friend from preschool, Ben, come over to play and go to mcdonalds with us. He even brought Blake a present which was very sweet. 

He STILL loves his toy guns. 

As much as I wish I was a artist I'm not. Not even close. I try to do cool cakes for my boys but I'm not very talented that way but as long as the they like their cake that's all that matters. 

We went to his class and did a all about me thing. He picked the picture and I made his poster because he wanted nothing to do with that. 

He wanted to sleep with his new toys. 

Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Our neighbor girls grew some monsters pumpkins so we went over and bought a few off of them. My boys had so much fun picking out which one they wanted. In little kid fashion they would find one then think they saw a better one then would pick a different one. I love them on my porch. I'm going to have to talk them into only carving one or two because I want to keep them on my porch through November. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

cook out

A couple of Saturdays ago we went up Logan canyon with our friends the Seamons and Brenchley families.  Right before we got there our little neighbor girl Izzy was running around and fell and split her head open on a rock so they and to run her down to the ER and get her stitched up.  Cade (the dad) stayed with the rest of the kids and we had a awesome evening.  We had to cross over the river and Bryan helped carry most of us over.  Little did we know what up a little bit was a nice bridge that we used later.  There were lots of cool rocks and little caves the kids had a ball playing in.  
 My pyro husband Bryan started a fire with some TP and a cigarette lighter but it was nice when it got cold.
 Ty acting like a animal coming out of the hole. 

 My bath tub had a ring of dirt after bath time.  Stockton especially was covered!  Little boys are SOO DIRTY!
It's fun to have great friends!


We had a awesome thunder storm a few weeks ago.  I went outside with my camera trying to catch a shot of it and it was always the opposite direction of my camera.  I would finally turn my camera to where the lighting was and it would start where I just was shooting.  I only caught really ONE picture of it and it was off to the side.  Such is life.  I thought a couple cloud pictures turned out cool though. 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Ty guy update

It's been a really up and down year with Tyson's school work.  When he was diagnosed with ADHD it was hard but it really didn't hit me until later in the summer. I would sit down to do a simple school work type thing it would take a hour and lots of tears (from him and I) until It was done.  The day I had him write his old teacher a simple note before I mailed a form for her to fill out on Tyson for his Dr. about his attention problems was when it hit me. It took his seriously a half hour to write like two lines of words. In just watched him play outside after and cried that this was his life and it wasn't a simple problem what wasn't going away.  So I kept getting books from the library and reading with him.  I kept making him do math timings and writing practice and we kept fighting over getting it done. Then I would worry and worry and worry about him.  I feel like his success in school is all on me and it is m  a heavy burden.

When school started and I knew he had a BRAND new teacher just hired like a week before school started I REALLY worried.  I was a new teacher once too,  which to be honest made me worry more.  Would she know how to handle a little boy who was good but need a lot of extra attention to get his work done?  Would she even notice that is why is work doesn't get done or is done really poorly?  I even met with the Principal about it.  Then school started and I decided to kind of sit back for a few weeks to let the teachers get to know him before I threw his label on him.  I didn't want them to predetermine anything.  I know that kind of sounds funny but Bryan was really adamant about that.  He was prejudged a lot growing up and to be honestly sometimes rightfully so.  But when he would sit down in a high school class and the teacher would treat him like a horrible person before he opened his mouth really bothered him.

So anyway a little over a month into school we had parent teacher conferences.  I had only talked to his teachers on back to school night so I was really anxious to see what they said.  I had Blake's first and he is doing awesome!  I knew he would.  I was in and out and 10 minutes about.  Then we got to Tyson's and they start pulling out his school work.  Everything they showed me that he was struggling in is stuff I know he knows but I could tell it was the type of thing he would have a hard time focusing on.  I was really worried about his dibbles scores.  They were really low at the end of last year.  Which is a big reason why we worked so hard last summer on it.  I kind of braced myself and she showed me that he was AT OR ABOVE BENCHMARK ON EVERYTHING! I really truly had to hold back the tears.  what a blessing that is!!  Even though I kind of hate dibbles because I dont' think it's that great at telling you if your child is really doing well in school but it was really, really good for Tyson to see that.  I made a big deal of how all his hard work is paying off and how proud I was of him.  His whole countenance changed.  We still have a lot of work to do to keep him caught up and this is far from over but for the one day Tyson really knew he can do it and he is really smart.  I ended up talking to them for like 30-40 minutes.  We have been reading scriptures every night since June and I got the impression when I saw his test scores it was a blessing from doing that and I fully believe that.  We have him help read a verse or two every night with us and that with God blessing us for doing (and Tyson's hard work reading all summer) are the reason he is doing so well.  I am so grateful for this little tender mercy.  It was wonderful to see my little boy so proud of himself and he knows that he worked hard and it paid off.