Blake has been asking me about his birthday all year I'm not kidding. I finally told him in like April not to ask me stuff like "mom on my birthday can I eat at (restaurant name here)? I would always answer yes Blake where ever you want on your birthday. He is like his mama and really loves having his own special day. I stressed a lot about being able to give him that but at the end of the day he said it was the best birthday ever! Mission accomplished.
Check out Stocktons face in this picture. He wanted all of Blake's toys to himself the whole day.
We had Blake's best friend from preschool, Ben, come over to play and go to mcdonalds with us. He even brought Blake a present which was very sweet.
He STILL loves his toy guns.
As much as I wish I was a artist I'm not. Not even close. I try to do cool cakes for my boys but I'm not very talented that way but as long as the they like their cake that's all that matters.
We went to his class and did a all about me thing. He picked the picture and I made his poster because he wanted nothing to do with that.
He wanted to sleep with his new toys.
1 comment:
Hi! I can't believe Blake's 6. I didn't realize he was so close to Carson's age. Too bad they can't play together:( The lens that I use for my portraits is a 50 mm f/1.8. I LOVE it!!! My regular lens is only so/so...but I can get great pics with the portrait lens. I love setting it to the lowest aperture possible, selecting one single focal point in the settings, and focusing that point on the eyes of whomever I'm taking pics of. I'm really no expert...but this seems to be the formula that works for my taste!!! The low aperture creates a really shallow depth of field, and so the background gets really soft and blurry. Does this make any sense. Actually, I'm sure it makes more sense to you than it does to me...seeing as how you are the real photographer!!!
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