Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, March 30, 2014

practice makes perfect- I hope.

It's hard to be someone who loves to take pictures to have a bunch of kids who do not like getting their picture taken.  The little boys let me as long as I don't make them stop what they are doing to pose for me.  The older boys I usually have to bribe.  I have been really into taking pictures lately.  I really, really want to get better.  I don't see me ever doing it professionally but I love it as a hobby.  I want to be able to take those amazing pictures of my own kids.  So I read a bunch online and set up a little spot downstairs and tried it out.  I did Baco first: 

 I think Stockton is the easiest kid to photograph.  He don't sit still AT ALL but he smiles a lot.  I just start talking to him about stuff he likes and he goes off.   Blake is another story:

 Blake told me he would let me take his picture if I paid him 50 bucks.  I told him how about a fruit roll up and you don't get in trouble.  I even talked him into letting me DO HIS HAIR ::gasp:: but that took me buying him a app on the ipad.  He only let me do his hair for one picture.

Brett is the HARDEST!

 The kid won't sit for more then 5 seconds on the little chair I have and it's super rare he looks at me.  The best pictures I got is when he had a capri sun in his mouth.  He wouldn't let me take it away from him.  Then my camera died.  Maybe another day.

Ty isn't too bad but between him not being able to look at the camera and his fake 8 year old smile it was hard to get him to smile and not look weird. I got him to laugh a little bit though.

 Tyson's nerd hair.  I had to bribe him too to let me do anything other then old man hair to him.  I usually give in and do it like this for school.  It's the way he likes it.


Anonymous said...

I love the setup! The lighting is beautiful and the photos of your kids look fantastic. I feel the same way about taking pictures of my kids as you do. People might think I'm a little obsessive but it is so fun for me, and I just don't want to forget anything about them so little! :)

Jessica said...

Great pics!! I am impressed!