Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Just like our dad

A couple of years ago I saw this idea on pinterest and it became one of the very few things I actually do that I pinned.

It probably should go on that site where people make fun of peoples pinterest fails because it's so dang yellow but that's what I get for a picture in my living room.  Little can you tell that Blake was balling his eyes out for this group photo (see pic below) and I had to crop his single picture into it to make it work.  haha! And little do you know that I'm yelling at my kids from behind the camera to smile or I'll kick their butts.  Ya know, normal day at our house. 

Poor Blake has a mean mom that makes him get his picture taken.  I even let him be the hunter which is his fav.  If anyone should be crying it's Tyson. Happy fathers day Bryan! (he wouldn't let me get a photo with all the boys.  you win some you loose some.) 

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I reposted this awesome photo and have tons of good comments.

It really would be fun to do the same shot in 10 years and mark the difference :)

This was one of your best photos.