my poor computer is overloaded with pictures. Oh well. =)
Blake loves playing badminton.
My best friend Sannette.
Swinging like a big boy
You can see me in his glasses.
Stock is always drawing with chalk. Always. Which I don't mind. We even work on writing letters sometimes. But his love for chalk has turned into a love of drawing with crayons all over my house. Doors, walls, floors, beds, toys. Ugh. That was a ruff day.
Daddy's helper. Every single one of my boys at this age LOVED to help Bryan with the lawn then they grow out of it. What will happen to poor Bryan when Brett grows out of it?
Davy Crocket drawing on my driveway.
My big helper with my garden. He planted spinach and Ty did carrots. I was hoping they would help take care of their own plants more but it's been me in the end. It was a good thought.
This kid loves his stuffed animals.
Crazy hail storm we had a few weeks ago.
Memorial day:
We named our little Brett after our friend whose mom died a little while ago. We try to go visit her grave every year.
My Grandpa
My great grandma was named Martha Jenkins. She was pregnant with her 4th child when my Grandpa (her youngest) was only 5. She was having problems with her pregnancy and was very worried about it. She wanted to be home with her boys for Christmas. She had three boys. Dec. 30th 1930 she went up to the hospital and just balled as she hugged her boys goodbye. Like she knew something was going to happen. She died that day along with her baby girl. My grandpa doesn't remember his sweet mother. He remembers her viewing being in the front living room of his house and trying to open her eyes and kissing her on the cheek. I'm not sure why this story just really strikes a cord in me and always makes me cry. I guess it's because I'm always so scared something will happen to me to take me away from my boys. I started a few years ago to bring Grandma Martha flowers on memorial day. A mom of all boys deserves pretty flowers. I hope she doesn't mind Brett and Kiya sitting on her grave. When I do die someday as of today I want to see my Grandpa Pack, my uncle Dan then Martha. I hope she got to watch her boys grow up.My three little boys and I drove over to Wellsville to watch the wellsville mile. Sannette got to ride her bike with the 5th grade girls. It made me tear up a bit when she crossed the finish line and all these people were cheering for her. What a angel.
Seriously this kid and his toys. His favorites are his cat, dogs, mickey and tigger to name a few.
Some days I'm a cool mom. This day I felt bad for screaming at them all the way home from a restaurant we had eaten at where they were HORRIBLE. I mean HORRIBLE. They were screaming and making a mess and it was the worst. Bryan was out of town. I seriously can't take them anywhere and it was a helpless feeling. They are boys and crazy at home but for some reason the last few weeks are horrible when I take them out and about. Anyway I felt bad for having a little freak out and so I did a volcano for them. They loved it! So doing it again. The volcano, hopefully not the freak out.
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I enjoyed looking at these :)
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