Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Bear Lake Cabin

We were lucky to be invite to use my dad's coworkers cabin again this summer.  It is so nice! Lots of bedrooms so the boys and I get the basement to ourselves. The deck is fenced in so the little kids can go out there and play without us having to worry about them.  My boys were really funny this year at the water too.  They really got into jet skiing.  Well all but Brett.  But he even was playing in the water which is a big improvement for him!

 Stock was scared at first to ride the jet ski so when we got there and he asked to ride it with me I hurried and got him on before he changed his mind.  We went pretty slow at first to not scare him and all of the sudden he starts waving his arm and saying "HELLO BEAR LAKE! I'M STOCKTON LOWELL!" Then you would hear this little wahoo every once in awhile.  So cute.
 Ty rode on the tube with my brother again this year.  I think they would have gone more but my brother and his family only stayed one day with us.  He is getting to be a little dare devil.
 Nate was pulling the kids on the tube back and forth for a little while.  They thought that was a fun game.
 Kiya especially liked it.  
 With how scared Brett is of the water I was so impressed he was sitting down in it.
 This is my dad laughing about how they caught air off of a wave with my boys.  Nate said they were like a foot out of the water.  Ty said "I've never felt so alive!" but that my dad was crazy.
 Sweet little Daxton. 
 Ty having a water fight with my dad. 

 Our cabin is on a golf course so after hours we got out in the backyard and hit a few balls around.  My Uncle Phil and his family came over for FHE and eat with us there.  He LOVES to golf so he was showing my boys how to do it.

This next morning was Nate's 29th birthday.  His sweet wife blew up these balloons and put things she loved about him in them.  My parents and I did a few of those too. 

 Dax is wearing a little outfit my boys wore when they were babies.  ::tear:: so cute!

 This is the best we could do with a grandkid picture. 

Nate went home but we spent another day at the beach.  

 Seriously out of like 20 pictures this was the best one.

So the rest of these are out of order but I don't feel like moving them around.  Sorry for my laziness.   

 Blake put his arm around Kiya so she wouldn't fall off. 

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I so glad that you take such great photos to help us remember the fun time we had together.