I got a invite to meet a Utah Jazz basketball player for Blake because he played Jr jazz basketball this winter. I wasn't sure what it was going to be like and honestly it's hard to take all 4 boys alone but MUCH easier then it used to be. We got there early thinking there would be tons of kids and their weren't. They gave each boy head and wrist bands and they were way excited about it. It was really, really hot in the gym. I was dying in there! Especially when my little Brett who refused to take a nap that day fell asleep on me.
I thought Jeremy Evans (the NBA player) would just show the kids a few slam dunks and talk to them for a minute then sign autographs. It was much better then that. He ran some drills with them and played games. Ty even played with them. Too bad he was in sandals I would have put him in tennis shoes if I knew.
Blake answered a question right and got to go up and play a extra game with Evans. I thought it was cute my little man standing next to a NBA player. Blake loves basketball.
I called Bryan when I saw the boys playing with him and told him to hurry and get down to the rec center. Bryan liked watching him play too and especially watching the boys play ball with him. He was nice and stood for a picture with my boys after. We told him about our little Stockton (John Stockton who we named him after played on the Jazz years ago) and he thought that was pretty cool.
So glad we went to this. I bet in the end there was about 50 kids there. If they ever do this again we are so there. It helps that Jeremy Evans was super nice to all the kids.