Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My new crapy normal

I'm kind of laughing because I started this post over a month ago- which really show's what my normal is like these days! Too much to do, not enough energy or time to do it.  So I'm going to try to finish this today so it I the baby won't be here before I'm finally done!

My last pregnancy post I talked about getting a blood test done.  They take my blood 4 times- once before this nasty drink pictured below and three times after.  One of the tests after was out of normal range.  Which means I don't have full out gestational diabetes but I do have carbohydrate intolerance.  AKA you can't have many carbs.  So I have to eat like I have diabetes so I don't get it pretty much. What does this mean? You pretty much can't eat anything you like. Carbs are in just about everything. I mostly bread, pasta and cereal.  I can't have sugar so no pop or juice, candy or treats stuff like that.  I'm a juice drinker! That one has been hard! I've been wondering how people with diabetes do it.  How do they go without all these yummy things to eat and I figured it out.  They just give them more medicine and a lot of them eat what they want.  I don't test my blood or anything I just watch what I eat.  

Here is the good news.  Instead of gaining like 7 pounds a month (something I have NEVER done in any of my other pregnancies) I lost 3 lbs last month.  Eating better I've felt better.  My dang heart still bothers me but it's not as bad now I don't have sugar to make it worse too.  I'll be honest I still will have a cookie sometimes or a small scoop of ice cream.  But my hamburger has a lettuce bun and if my kids want spaghetti I use the meat to make me a taco.  We eat a lot more chicken and fruit and veggies then before but dang does that cost a lot more money.  It sucks going out to eat and getting a salad for dinner.  Do you know how full a salad makes you when your pregnant? Not very.  So I'm hungry a lot.  I've figured out snacks I can have like nuts and non fat greek yogurt. Not the normal kind- that is FULL of carbs. The worst meal of the day is by far lunch.  You can't have a sandwich, or mac and cheese, or most anything I would eat before.  I usually have a salad or if I'm lucky left overs from the night before.  It takes a lot long to prepare meals because processed food is almost always full of carbs. UGH!

I am now 32 weeks officially but my baby is measuring big! A week ago I went in for a ultrasound before my appointment to check on the placenta and his size. He is already as long as he can go in me- which honestly I knew how can you not feel that.  Look at his little nose!!! I've never had a ultrasound this late in my pregnancy so it was fun to see what he looked like.  He has a little Stockton nose don't you think??  His head is measuring two weeks ahead- ugh! That will be fun later.  Overall he is 8 days bigger then my due date.  In my head I keep thinking I'm really 33 weeks not 32- ya know for sanity reasons.

I'm 99% sure he is going to be named Easton.  We call him that all the time.  The kid is a MOVER. My belly is always going all over the place. He wakes me up at night all the time.  It's been crazy since my boys have been home for the summer trying to do fun things with them and just not feeling up to it.  I miss feeling like we could go on a hike or things like that.  But for now this is normal.  I'm doing the best I can.

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