Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Sheep

How have I not posted pictures of our sheep!?!?! These are super old because look how tiny they are. I miss them when they were this little and cute.  How they are huge and crazy.  Tyson is going to do 4H this summer.  This was all Bryan's bright idea.  He loves the sheep he really does.  Bryan and tyson.  Ty can only sale one but the sheep wouldn't have done very well alone.  These are twin brothers- the small one is Shawn the sheep and the big one is Frodo.  The boys named them.  Their mom was old and dying after she had them so we took them to feed and take care of them.  At first we would feed them 4 times a day with bottles.  They were only two weeks old when we got them.  

They really are kind of fun.  I would rather have them then a dog.  Especially when we are done with them in August! Tyson really, really loves his sheep.  He goes out a lot of check on them and play with them.  Because they were bum lambs they are pretty friendly with us because they know we feed them.  Except stupid Frodo thinks I'm fun to jump on which is starting to hurt now he is like 75 lbs and my belly is so big! I'll post more photos of the boys with the sheep as soon as I get them edited!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! I think it's cool you don't have to keep them forever. That's the way to do a pet, right?