Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

oh what do you do in the summertime?

Summer really is the best.  And by far a lot better to take photos in then winter to me.  This week has been so blasted hot (to almost 100 every day) that we only spend a little bit of time outside except for Ty who still lives out there all day.  One evening while Bryan was running or at young mens or something I pulled my camera out and had fun.  

 This is all these two do.  They are always wrestling. 

 Then Stock made Brett mad- and I ended up getting some of my favorite pictures of him ever.

 That face! haha! 
 That might sound mean but he was fine just throwing a fit.  
 Notice that big blue round thing at the bottom of this picture? Yeah that's my belly. 

 Blake HAD to have a rubix cube.  He took it with him everywhere.  It's already old news but for a few days it was the best thing ever.
 Ty loves his sheep. 

 Then the best thing ever happened.  All 4 boys got on the tramp to play and they didn't fight and just PLAYED.  And they were laughing and having such a awesome time together and it reminded me why it was a fun thing to have so many kids close together. I hope this new baby won't be too much younger then them to play.

It was a good mom moment for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That first one of all of them on the tramp is my favorite! So so cute.