This photo is a couple weeks old so I was actually 35 weeks along. I'm bigger now and will have to get a updated photo but honestly I'm not a huge belly shot person. This shirt makes me look skinner then I am too so that helps. =)
Ugh this pregnancy is lasting forever! For some reason when I found out I was pregnant I was so worried he was going to come way early- like months early. That I feel really blessed that he is almost full term. I have been sick since Christmas. I have been out of breath all the time since about February. I'm tired. Like WAY tired. I can't even really go up stairs or walk across my yard sometimes. As I sit here I'm feeling morning sick STILL. And man alive the last few weeks I have been hurting a ton! My legs hurt even. I feel like I was working out but I haven't been. I can't sleep well and I am SO SICK OF MY DIET! Man I just want a hamburger or something! The good news is the last few months I've pretty much held my weight within 5 pounds. I was gaining like crazy for months and months. I honestly was on pace for gaining like 50 lbs this time. It was crazy. Then I started my diet and I LOST 5 lbs. Then I gained a couple, then I lost one. So that was lucky for me. I know how to loose the weight when I'm done now!
So pretty much I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm so ready to meet my baby. Especially since I had Brett before this point and had Ty at the point I am now. I'M READY! Every night before I go to bed I wonder if this is the night something is going to happen. And I try hard to get my house picked up and ready in case I need to leave. Then I wake up with sore muscles and no baby. And I know I'm early still but I'm dying here! I tried to clean up a lot yesterday and we had our water turn and it about killed me by the end of the day. I'm pretty sure I just don't "go into labor" like a lot of people do. I have to have a medical problem and then I will finally get something started.
I think by far the worst part of this pregnancy is how hard it's been to be a good mom. I feel like last fall I had my crap together for the first time in years. I was a much nicer mom and I spent a lot of good quality time with my kids. Since I've been sick I've been a bear to live with. My kids take the worst of it. I have a very short fuse and I freak out at them for dumb things. I have to lay on the coach a lot and feel bad when my boys ask me for help with something and it usually comes with a "give me just a minute" and they have to wait until I feel good enough to help them. I honestly wonder if I will never have any more kids for this reason. It's just so hard on my kids. I cry a lot about it. So please baby please for your brothers sake you need to come before I go completely crazy!!!
On a side note I have to say this kid in me is crazy. He is a MOVER and KICKER. He is all over the dang place! Knees and elbows out my sides, feet in my ribs. My stomach looks like a waterbed some nights. I'm guessing he is going to be a night owl. He us always kicking me while I'm trying to get to bed.
But seriously though I can't wait to meet him. I can't wait to hold and kiss him and see what he looks like. Hopefully soon and not to my induction date (August 17th).
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