My brother in law Cory comes up with some of the craziest ideas. This summer he talked Bryan and our friend Jason into competing in their local Lyman Wyoming rodeo in the wild cow milking event. So they take a cow that has calfs and has never been milked by a person (they are huge mind you) and set them loose with a rope tied to them in a arena and have a team of three men try to milk it. It’s even more wild then it sounds I promise you. They have all the groups going at the same time too. I was back and forth up until right before we left if I was going to go or not because I was getting close to having this baby and was worried about being far away from my hospital but I’m glad I went. We ate dinner at Cory’s house and headed over to the rodeo. Jason brought his whole family which was fun for me because his wife Shelly is one of my best friends and their kids are so cute with my boys. My kids did ok through the rodeo but where antsy and hard to control. My kids were most excited for the kids events they did. The first one was for 5 years old and under and they put like 6 rabbits out and had the kids try to grab them. There was about 150 kids in this event and it seems to me the kids who won were a lot older then 5 and could run fast to grab the rabbit but honestly I didn’t want a rabbit so I figured I lucked out when they didn’t get one. But poor Stockton cried and cried and cried about it. My older boys got to chase a chicken and Blake honestly almost got one.
Brett is in a orange hat and gray shirt with Bryan in a blue shirt behind him on the left. Stockton is more toward the right in a white shirt with the Avengers "A" on it with Cory behind him.
Can you see Brett in his bright orange hat?
Stockton is on the right by the kid in a white cowboy hat.
This is the older kids event with the chickens. I have NO idea where they are in this one.
So they had all the groups pick their names last minute and Bryan decided they would be the "happy hands" club. When they said go all the cows came out of their shoots but our boys. They didn't know they had to open the gate. Finally this totally wild cow came out jumping and going crazy. But so were just about everyones cow. They seemed more like wild bulls then mamma cows to me. It was yanking Jason and Bryan ALL OVER THE PLACE. At one point Jason was pulled to the ground and about gave me a heart attack. All the while Cory was following them with his cup trying to find the right time to get in and milk the stupid thing.
Picture overload here we go:
Finally a group was able to get some milk from their cow. Their cow was was much calmer then everyone else and was holding still. So the boys let their cow go and started to congratulate each other that they survived. Then I saw it. This wild cow stomping on another guy and then walking off. This thing was mean. I saw it hurt it's group multiple times during the event. Then it starts trotting over to our group.
and it sets it's eyes on Cory
Then it comes for him! Lucky for Cory it just knocked him over and walked off. I had seen it do that and stomp on some poor guy. I didn't get a picture of Cory on the ground because I was freaking out about it at the time. BUT it IS on video and it is so dang funny. I laugh every time I watch it. Especially since Cory spent the event following poor Bryan and Jason around with a empty cup while they were getting drug around.

Leaving the arena feeling like men I guess.
I'm sure this will be the topic of conversation for years and years to come with these guys. I'm just glad no one ended up in the hospital.
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