Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Swimming lessons

Even though we put Ty in swimming lessons earlier this summer I put him, Blake and Stock in them again later this summer.  They are expensive! But I am a horrible swimmer even though I was always in lessons and I don’t want that to happen to my boys.  Little did I know when I signed them up that Brett would love the water so much.  I wish I would have put him in too but we will next summer for sure.

The ONLY time I could fit all of them in before the baby was born was 9 am which was a huge chore to get them all out the door on time.  But we had the best session of lessons we have ever had.  Blake and Tyson made tons of progress! It’s so good to see them improving! Usually I take TONS of picture of them swimming then I don’t know what to do with them.  And since it’s a pain getting up and down and getting low enough to take a good picture I only have a few here.  But it’s enough right? 

They all passed! 

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