Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Spring Snow

We have had a lot of crapy weather this month.   I'm so ready for spring! But this snowstorm the other day was beautiful.  And I only had to bribe Stockton with some candy to run outside so I can take a few photos of him in it. 

Friday, March 25, 2016


A couple of weeks ago it was so warm outside my boys kept begging us to let them set Blake's tent up and let them sleep in it. I knew it was going to be way cold at night because it's March in Utah! But they are 8 and 10 so I let them figure out that mom was right on their own.  After the tent was up Ty really wanted a fire.  Since my garden is empty at the moment we found some branches that fell from my neighbor's tree and made a fire.  Bryan was going to go for a run and told me I wasn't able to start a fire.  I grew up with a dad who was a professional boy scout and worked and lived at scout camp most of the summers of my young life so I had to prove him wrong.  Bryan is a pyro.  Like seriously.  He LOVES fire.  And apparently so does Tyson.  We started the fire and Bryan went to town with it.  He ended up burning a HUGE branch that fell from the tree next door until it was ashes.  He was up until like 1am watching it.  Seriously a pyro.  But before it got dark we decided to have our dinner around the campfire.  

 I finally bought a remote for my camera.  Even though I failed and this is blurry it's a rare photo of my whole family so I kept it.

 This is Bryan's you take too many pictures face.
 The aftermath.  I consider dirty feet a sign that they had a fun day.

A Day in the life of Easton

Do you have any idea how hard it is to do a day in the life of a baby? Eat, cry, play, sleep, repeat.  But I tried anyway. 
 Sleepy boy
 How I find him every morning
 Reading with his brother
 Off to the store! I'm not brave enough to bring my big camera to the store.  It's enough just to take my three boys.  His carseat takes up the whole basket in the cart so it makes it hard to buy food for 5 boys.
 He napped for all of 10 minutes on the way home from the store and while I put food away.  Now he wanted to play!

 And play some more... at least he can sit!

 Helping mom put away laundry

He loves his walker
 This boy isa huge daddies boy! He is so happy to see his dad!

 After bath

 tucking the big brothers into bed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Iphone Dec- March

I love iPhone photos because they are the every day of our lives.  So here we go! 

The brand new star wars came out in December! Bryan's work got tickets opening weekend for their employees and a few people couldn't make it- so they let Bryan buy a extra ticket.  It was a no brainer who to take.  Stockton is a star wars nut! He loved the movie especially the bad guy.  

 Our friend christmas party was a success yet another year.  We are so lucky to have such fun friends! 

 Christmas as my parents house.  Brett loved the santa that covered his eyes while he went potty.  Below the boys always love the hot tub. Stock kept getting out and rolling in the snow to show what a man he was. 

 My Grandpa's headstone got put in.  I really miss him. 
 Christmas we had my parents here with us- so we made Grandpa play our new pie face game. 
 Brett feel asleep on me at church.  Not sure if this has ever happened before. 
 East loves his new (to him) toy 
 Bryan and I celebrated our 11 wedding anniversary- East came along with us. 

 Bryan's sister who now lives in Missouri was here visiting.  Her little Bode is a year older then East and Bode loved sitting with Bryan. 

 Sannette and Me- Cory, Jenny's and our family eating Pizza on New Years

 Happy 10th birthday Tyson! 

 Measuring the boys on our wall in the living room.  We do this every January. 
 Stockton put his pants on backwards
 Poor Stockton tripped while he was jumping off the couch and split his head open on our little fireplace downstairs.  He was bleeding like crazy! Ty and Blake were crying and yelling how they thought he was dying.  Which made Stockton cry even more.  Easton woke up with all the noise and my cookies in the oven burned.  It was a mess.  Bryan came home to help me take Stock to the dr and they decided to not stitch it up because it was done bleeding.  He has a little scar there now but it's ok. 
 Everyone wants to hold the baby.  Notice Ty reading in the background ? We have come a long way with him at school. 
 Baby hands are the best 
 This is how Stock woke up on day haha! 
 Fresh from the tub baby! 

 Sorry this is sideways... but this is the picture the paper took of us for winning the babies of 2015 contest with Easton. 
 Great Grandma Jenkins with Easton 
 Picking up our new stroller 

 Parent teacher conferences 
 Reading with dad
 Headed to Lukes Baptism.  Stock thought he needed a tie with his red stripped shirt 

 The boys ski day! 

 Blake did a science project in front of his class.  He did one about light and lasers. 
 Ty brought home the school hamster for the weekend.  The little boys loved it the most. 
 Fun at the jump zone 

 Stock and Bryan- can you tell they are related! 

 East and Jett- 

 I was the photographer at my cousins wedding- this is their family. 
 This is how East greets me in the morning most days 
 It's finally warm outside! East loves to be outside.