Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, March 14, 2016

February 2016- 365

I was trying a panning shot with Stockton where I swing him around by his arms and have the camera around my neck and the timer goes off and takes his picture.  It worked but I did it in the snow so it's hard to tell what I'm doing! And I threw my back out swinging him... I'm getting old... I'll try this again in the summer but I still love this picture.  
 Blake never asks for his picture to be taken so when he said "mom I want a picture with the deer skull we found" I had to do it.
 Stockton earned his Kylo Ren Mask for doing good with his preschool stuff.  

 Child labor
 My nephews baptism in Wyoming.  Blake and Luke are the best of friends.
 Super Bowl Sunday.  Go Broncos!
 My three little buddies that keep my company all day while everyone else is at school or work.  I will miss this in the fall.
 Cool dude
Valentines day prep 
Brett knows where Bryan hides his pepsi in the garage.  
The boys did jobs to earn the original mario games on our wii u.  They are hooked. 
Baby loves the tub
Happy valentines day! 
My crazy boys 
There is a foot of snow yet we are outside in t shirts.   A rare warm day. 
My niece Briana got her mission call to Reno Nevada! 
Helping mommy do the dishes. 
Ty and Blake went skiing for the first time! They rocked it! 
Sunday = chilling with dad. 
Stockton wanting to learn the violin.  
My baby can sit!
We have a picnic every single day.  I order and he cooks it on his grill. 
We spent the morning at the dentist getting extensive work done on his teeth. Broke my heart when he woke up from it crying because he was so out of it. 
First day in the sandbox for the year! 
East loves his exersaucer 
Working on his ABC's- ganster style. 

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