Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Monday, March 14, 2016

Baco's teeth

Stockton has always had horrible teeth.  This was the 4th time I have had to take him in to get cavities filled.  I hate it.  It's awful.  Someone told me "well you need to brush his teeth." I Do! Everyday! Myself! I even give him fluoride and floss! His teeth have just been a mess.  Especially his front teeth.  The last time he had a cavity filled the dentist didn't wait until he was a little numb to do the shot and it was on his front teeth.  He screamed and screamed so he didn't finish them very well.  Thus making it so we had to fix them again later. I took him to a different dentist that suggested we sedate him and fix all 4 front teeth by putting what is really like a filling around the entire tooth.  Sort of a cap. So that is what we did.  I hate when my kids are sedated. Only Tyson and Stockton have had to be but it makes me nervous every time.  The thought of them laying on a table with breathing tubes in their little bodies makes me sick.  But I wanted it to be done right and less drama so we did it. 
 A little down time before he went back.
 They had him give me a hug before he left me and he didn't want to let go.  Totally broke my heart.
 When he was done I could hear him crying.  Kids usually are super upset when they wake up and that's pretty normal for my boys. He was mad because they put the IV in his foot (they couldn't get it in his hands) and cried about that for 20 minutes or so.  I just held him while he was upset.  The nurses were so nice.  They were awesome.

 These are before photos of his teeth- when he would show them.  The bottom picture was cute from that day so I added that too.  =)
 This is later in the day- funny thing is he doesn't have a underbite.  He just thinks it's funny to smile that way.

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