Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Friday, March 25, 2016

A Day in the life of Easton

Do you have any idea how hard it is to do a day in the life of a baby? Eat, cry, play, sleep, repeat.  But I tried anyway. 
 Sleepy boy
 How I find him every morning
 Reading with his brother
 Off to the store! I'm not brave enough to bring my big camera to the store.  It's enough just to take my three boys.  His carseat takes up the whole basket in the cart so it makes it hard to buy food for 5 boys.
 He napped for all of 10 minutes on the way home from the store and while I put food away.  Now he wanted to play!

 And play some more... at least he can sit!

 Helping mom put away laundry

He loves his walker
 This boy isa huge daddies boy! He is so happy to see his dad!

 After bath

 tucking the big brothers into bed.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I loved seeing this photo essay of day in the life of a darling baby.
I so wish that I could live closer so I could be a grandparent
who shares common memories with my grandsons!
Thanks for all the awesome photos, your a great photographer!