Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Easton's first birthday!

I know I’m super behind on my blog but I need to back track to talk about my sweet baby Eastons birthday! His birthday landed right on the first day of the cache country fair and Tyson was showing his sheep so we spent a good part of the day at the fair.  Good thing he was too little to care! I got him a cute little yellow chair that you can push buttons and it reads and sings to him.  We didn’t need to talk him into smashing his cake at all. He loved it! We were lucky to have my parents in town so they got to celebrate with us as well.  

Easton at one year-
He LOVES his dad.  He would rather be with dad then mom.  If he is crying just turn on the song “take it easy, theres no need to hurry” and he will start dancing.  He doesn’t walk yet but he does crawl everywhere.  He knows what he wants and makes sure he gets what he wants! He doesn’t like his brothers getting into his face and swats at them if they get too close.  He loves ice cream and juice. He also loves spaghetti and can feed himself. He loves animals especially our sheep.  One of his first words was Baa! Easton loves little cars and drives them around the house.  He has the sweetest little smile and personality.  He still doesn't really like to nap but we are working on it.  He does sleep really good at night though thank goodness. He has 5 teeth and likes to bite mom! East loves the sand box and dumps the sand on his head and eats it. He also loves to swing on our swing set.  It's REALLY hard to get pictures of him because he is always on the move! Dad had to help me take his one year old pictures that's why they were in our backyard because he didn't want to drive anywhere! I had balloons but your brothers popped them. 
 I love my little buddy.  I'm so lucky to be your mom Easton!

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