Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Oreo and Smalls

After the success of the sheep last year we decided to brave it again and got us a couple of bum lambs. And they were YOUNG! One looked like he had never eaten and they told us he was 2 days all.  We named him smalls because he was so tiny.  You could see his hip bones.  The other one was a girl and she was a couple of weeks old they thought. She had a black face with a white spot on her head so we named her oreo.   Bryan had a super hard time getting Oreo to eat.  She fought him for awhile.  I thought she was going to die so I took a lot of extra pictures of her.  Smalls ate like crazy! We bottle fed them 3 times a day for months.  Easton really loved the sheep.  He couldn’t crawl when we got them so i would set him in the pen while I fed them and they would just walk around him.  He loved it.  They were super sweet so stinking cute.  I have so many pictures of them I’m going to have to split up the posts but here is part 1. 

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