Some things always seem to be constant in your life. Something that will always be there. Then all the sudden you realize that rock is gone. My sweet Grandma was that for me. When I was in college she called to tell me that her apartment in her basement just opened up. It was from moving there I met my husband and had many wonderful memories. One summer it was my birthday and my roommates and I were going to have a party. The ones that were going to help me set up were both at work until it started and my other roommate was busy getting herself ready in the shower all afternoon and wouldn't help me. I was trying to set up tables in our backyard and my Grandma came out from the upstairs. She would have been in her early 80ies at the time. She helped me pull chairs out and move tables so I could have my party. She always did things so I knew she loved me.
When she was first married and had one child my Grandpa was shipped off to WW2. Here she was a young mother with another baby on the way not knowing if her husband was going to come back alive. She told me they would listen to the radio at night to hear the names of those killed in the war. That's how they found out. She moved in with her parents while Grandpa was in war for some help with her children. Lucky for all of us Grandpa came home. I can't imagine the fear she must have felt every day. She ended up having 9 children, 68 grandchildren, 175 great grandchildren and 2 great great grandchildren. You read that right. Each of those are her direct blood relation. From her posterity comes around 12 doctorate degrees, at least that many masters degrees and 117 (including spouse) bachelors degrees and many more people who are currently in college. I honestly know all of my cousins by name. I can also tell you a little about each one. Family and God were, by far, the most important things in Grandma's life. If it were possible for her to be at every milestone in her children's/grandchildren's/great grandchildren life she would be there. She was a huge support to us. Whenever I would see her she would hug me and look me in the eye and tell me she loved me. And I knew she did. She would tell my kids she loved them and every other family member she would see.
Now that my cousins are older and most are married they have moved all over the country. When they found out Grandma passed away 60 of the 68 grandkids were able to make it. If that isn't a testament of the kind of lady she was I'm not sure what is. She would have LOVED to be around to see that many of my family all in one place! The day of her funeral it rained- all day. It never stopped! That made taking pictures very hard but I did the best I could. My wish is that I can be a strong lady like my grandma was. Someone who loved her family and her God more then anything else. I love you Grandma and I already miss you sweet smile!
This was the last time I saw her alive. It was just days before she passed but she was alert enough to tease my little brett to quit "hitting her boy" when he was play fighting with my dad.
The oldest son of each family carried her casket.
I loved how they had flowers for the girls and grandkids to put on her casket. It was so beautiful! That is my Tyson faded in the background.
All my living aunts and uncles.
All my cousins that could be there for the picture. Plus two spouses who didn't get the memo it was a cousins picture.
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