This really should be like 5 posts but it is what it is! So here we go-
We did our annual stay in SLC with the Palmer cousins. The kids loved the lights on temple square.They all wanted to touch the temple.
Riding the escalator like Elf does in the movie.
Most of the kids fav part is playing in the pool at the hotel.
Brett in Primary.
The first real snow storm!
Bryan went to Boston for a few days for work. He loved the food and the historical sites.
Blake with this friends.
Ward christmas party.
Blake was busy with basketball.
Blake is my only child who has played the violin. He had his orchestra concert and I loved watching him play.
Our niece Briana came back from her 18 month mission for our church in the middle of December! She served in Reno Nevada. Sannette was always really close to Bri so to see her so emotional with her return warmed my heart. She was fine for about 20 minutes but then with tears in her eyes asked if Bri could come home with her. I think she was scared she was leaving again.
Our annual friend Christmas party.
Palmer Santa Christmas party.
Grandpa won the deer trophy this year with the biggest buck. It helped that he was the only one who shot a buck that year...
USU Basketball game with Blakes friend cooper.
Teacher gifts
Easton carried around a Book of Mormon all the time. He would "read" it too.
Christmas Eve with the Packs!
My brother had a sweet little foster care girl named Emily living with them for about 8 months I think.
My dad surprised my boys with shotguns. they were thrilled.
Christmas Eve! Matching PJ's.
This is my you have to pose for one picture before we open presents photo. They usually go along with it so they can get to the good stuff.
Let the skiing begin!
2017 was a really good year for our family! We were so blessed.
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