Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, November 1, 2018

November 2017

November always starts out with Stocktons birthday! This year he turned 7. 

 I took his friends to the bounce and slide for a party. That made him very happy. Glad he found some friends as crazy as he is.

 Jr river hawks basketball started. Blake had a amazing team this year. Stockton did really well on his team as well.
 Of course we blew up our pumpkins because ya know. We are Palmers.
 Stockton lost BOTH of his front teeth in the same evening.

 Seriously what is East doing with his legs?

 Veterans day. We had my Grandma come to the program with us to represent my Grandpa. I may have shed a couple of tears.

Easton first trip to the dentist! I actually wasn't going to have him do it but they asked if I wanted him checked out too. Since our insurance pays for it I thought why not! And he did great!

 We were in Utah county to take some pictures of Bryan's mission friends and had a early thanksgiving at my parents house with the cousins.
 Actual Thanksgiving was with the Palmers.

 Doing manly things with Grandpa.
 Setting our tree up. I used to try to make it all pretty and now I just let the kids have fun. Christmas is more for them anyway!

 Annual "look at the christmas tree and done wrestle" photo. Boys can't seem to put their arms around each other without wrestling.

 This photo actually placed super high in a international contest this year.

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