Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

January 2018

 Visiting Martin Harris grave

 Tyson's birthday! He turned 12 this year. He got a bike that he needed and a sleeping bag.

 A love the above photo.

 Grandpas spankings.

 Ty received the priesthood on January 7th by his Dad. Both Grandpas and his uncle Nate were there. Tyson is such a sweet boy with a good heart. He loves to do his best and is the best big brother.

 Stockton had his baptism preview at the stake center.
 One evening we were all eating dinner and Easton wondered off. We were finishing dinner and starting on homework so I didn't worry about it. About 15 minute later I sent Brett to find him. He came back saying he didn't know where East was. Then Ty and Blake went and looked. No luck. Bryan was running and not at home at the time. We looked everywhere! I went though every room looking for a busy little 2 year old getting into something and could not find him. After 10 minutes of looking for him I started to panic. I mean where would he go? It was freezing outside and really dark so I didn't see him going outside. I thought Bryan came and grabbed him to tease me but when I called him he promised me he didn't have him. My boys were screaming around the house looking for him. they were in a panic. Finally we found him. In Brett's room, in his bed, under his covers dead asleep. He slept though all the screaming and calling his name and was under the covers so we couldn't see him. I will admit I just held him and cried. He really scared me.
 We measure our kids every January. Easton wasn't a fan for whatever reason.

 We were happy to see our grass again.
 East loves the  Captain Underpants movie. He carried the books around with him all over the house and looked at the pictures.
 East with his scriptures at church.
 Blake after basketball practice.

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