Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

June 2018

Last day of school for Blake (4th grade) Stockton (1st grade) and Tyson (6th grade) 

 Tyson's first day of elementary school and his last 
 Brett had already had his last day of school but we still took a photo of him and his cast 

 Boy feet 

 I was scheduled to photograph a wedding at the Jordan River temple the first weekend in June. I ended up being super sick but you can't just not show up! So I bribed Bryan into taking the boys to the aquarium that was close by and dropping me off at the temple. I took a bunch of medicine and powered though my fevers to photograph the wedding. 

 I know this photo is sideways but this is Ty with his favorite type of fish. He is obsessed with the show river monsters and they fish for this fish a lot. 

 I had the very unique opportunity to photograph formal presidential candidate and our current Utah state senator Mitt Romney. He was running for Senate at the time. The magazine I work for was doing a podcast with him and they asked me to take his pictures. I mean hello! How cool is that? And I am a fan of his so even better. 

 If I had to summarize the summer of 2018 in one word it would be fishing. We went all the time. Ty can't get enough of it. 
 Apparently Brett is allergic to the weeds where they fish... 
 Blake's game wet head 
 Brett was dying to play in the water turn! I couldn't get his long armed cast wet so we put a bread bag over it with rubber bands so he could play a little bit. 

 Tony Grove 

 Crawdad we caught fishing 

 Easton wanted his own book of mormon to make as we read as a family 
 Brett got his short arm cast. We can finally take him swimming!
 Easton got a hair cut. He HATES hair cuts!

 I thought it would be cute to take a photo of my boys dressed like their dad for fathers day. Everyone was on board except Easton. He is such a stink. 

 The boys love to paint 

 Sleeping in the backyard 
 We went weekly over to my Grandmas to mow her lawn 

My Grandma Jenkins 89 birthday! 

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