Stockton Lowell Palmer was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on November 3, 2018 by his dad. It was his actual 8th birthday! What a fun day to be baptized on. He was so excited. I played the musical number for the program "when I am baptized" on my violin. We had a lot of friends and family come to witness Stockton being baptized! Both sets of Grandparents and Great Grandma Jenkins came. Nate and his boys came. Cory and his whole family, Uncle Ron Sannette and Laycee came. Briana and her new husband Tate were there as well. Bishop McEvoy, Heather and Maecee came too. A lot of people who love Stockton! His best friend from school Hunter came as well. I found out later that his mom was moving that day and made sure to have someone bring him. It really made Stockton happy. Or friends the Seamons kids all came. Their parents were out of town and they stayed for the whole thing.

I have a very personal story I want to tell about Stockton's baptism. I want to make sure I get it written down. Stockton's middle name Lowell is after my Grandpa Lowell Jenkins. He passed away in 2015. Stockton was really close with my Grandpa. They had a very special bond those two. I believe that when something like baptism takes place that you have earthly witness and heavenly witness. I feel that the angels that come to those are usually family just because who would care more about being there? I was praying for awhile that my Grandpa could come witness Stockton's baptism. I found out later that my Grandma was praying for the same thing! I didn't think a lot about it until we were at the font as Stockton walked down into the water. I had the strongest feeling that my Grandpa was there. I started to cry! I had to not think about it too much or I would have fallen totally apart! Experiences like this don't happen to me very often. I was so grateful to feel his presents at the baptism. It was such a special gift to me to feel his love for my little boy. I miss him so much.

Stockton was confirmed by his father. In the circle were both grandpa's, uncle Nate, Cory and Ron, Briana's husband Tate joined along with Bishop McEvoy and our good friend Brian Cox who is in our high council. I don't remember much of what was said but one thing really stuck out to me. His blessing talked about how his personality is one that can reach people that others cannot reach. It reminded me so much of his dad!
Grandma Jenkins and Grandma Pa Pack- Grandma and Grandpa Palmer with Stockton
I don't know what my deal is with my smile this day. I was too stressed trying to pull everything together I guess!
My grandma gave Stockton a special card. It had TWO 2$ bills because not only was it his birthday but his baptism. The card said "Not many are baptized on their very own birthday, and to have your dear father, who is a member of your bishopric to exercise his Priesthood and do it for you! Wow! That is very special!
"I was baptized a long, long time ago, 81 years ago, in the Logan Temple by one of the temple workers I didn't know. I remember it very well. I have been blessed and very happy ever since then. I love you very much- Great Grandma Donna."
Stockton and Hunter
I had looked forward to his baptism pictures all year. Since I am a photographer and take these sorts of photos all the time I was excited to take Stockton's. We kind of threw it together fast one evening when I knew the flowers were still really pretty around the temple. It was back in September. It took us longer to get up there then I thought and the clouds covered the sun up so we ran out of light. I was so disappointed that I didn't get the amount of photos I wanted! But looking back at them now I'm happy with the ones I got.
My favorite part of his session was spending some one on one time with him. It was fun to see him looking for bugs and pretending to pick his nose for his pictures. He has such a funny personality! We figured out that his pants were backward for the whole session! Little stinker put them on backward and didn't even realize it until I told him to put his hand in his pocket. His suit was a little big but it worked out.
I go up to the temple for pictures all the time. When we walked up close to the temple he wanted to touch it. He didn't remember being close to the temple before. I didn't even realize how long it had been since they got to touch the temple!
Stockton got his very own scriptures from Grandma Palmer.
Wearing his dad's missionary badge. Someday he will be Elder Palmer too!
Of course he had to roll down the hill at the temple.