Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, March 24, 2019

November 2018

I ended up not getting very many birthday photos of Stockton. I took a ton at his baptism, which was the same day, but not a lot of the rest of the day. I don't know what my problem was! I let him open a few presents early in the morning then I headed off to the church to practice for the musical number for his baptism. 
 After his baptism he opened his fish tank which he was pumped for. We later went to walmart and picked out a couple of fish for it. Nate and his boys were in town for his baptism.
 I picked up his "shark" cake at walmart. I forgot to bring his sharks we bought for his cake when he blew out his candles... but anyway. The lady totally messed up my order and put I wanted sheet cake on the order slip. I even pointed to the smaller size I wanted. It was HUGE.

 Pretty sunset from the spot we blew up our pumpkins and a freaking owl we saw during a photo session I had!

 Jr. Ridgeline basketball for Stock.

 Ty had his art show at school.

Bryan got the ball rolling with a "princess ball" for our ward. He put my friend Shelly in charge and she went all out decorating for it. It turned out so well! I took photos for everyone.
Easton got to my cheese...
His new light board Grandma Pack got him for his birthday.
I caught East in his room reading his pirate book.
The first big snow!

Poor Stock. Not happy with Blake putting snow down his back.

Stock gets even.

Every year the schools do a "reflections" contest with lots of different type of categories. Blake wanted to do photography- a kid after my own heart. The theme was heros around me. He wanted to take a picture of my Grandpa from WW2. He ended up winning the school round of the competition! I was so stinking proud of him!

Thanksgiving weekend

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