Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 14, 2019

October 2018

Random happenings from October- 
We finally took down Easton's crib. I drug my feet on this. This crib has been up in my house since I put it up for Tyson as a baby. Even as my other kids grew out of it I always had a baby on the way so it was left up. It's hard to let go that part of my life even though I'm 100% good with not having any more kids. It's a weird feeling.

Lunch with a few of my best friends! I'm so lucky to live around such amazing women!
Bryan drove me around to try and capture lightening. It's really hard to take a pictures of lightening! I actually didn't know I had these photos until I edited them.
Scouting for their deer hunt!
One of the many changes the church has done is to make the women's session of conference during conference weekend. So the girls and I made sure we do what the men do and go out to eat and watch it together! It was so fun! Grandpa took Bryan and the boys out for pizza while we were gone.

Location scouting with Easton.

I'm one of "those" mom's who takes a picture of their school pictures. I kind of ticked with Stockton because he never smiles that cute for me!
Lunch with a parent day! Bryan came to eat with Brett on his day. He even bought him a happy meal and took off of work. When Brett saw him he wouldn't even say hi! He said I have to stay in line. Then he wouldn't sit by Bryan and said he had to eat his sack lunch I had packed him. Ugh! I came on Stocktons day and he was totally different. He ran up and hugged me and wanted me to sit by his friends and him. I think Brett will be better next year. I mean he even came up and said hello to me while I was there with Stockton.

Briana got married in October to Tate Smith in the Logan Temple. Bryan's brother Joe was in town for work stuff anyway so he was able to make the wedding which was fun. Becca and her family drove up from Arizona to be here as well. I was lucky enough to be the photographer for the wedding.

Sannette in her normal fashion didn't want to be in the pictures. So Bryan had to carry her over for them.

Doesn't she look pretty??

Easton loves Cory.

I love this picture of Tyson. They were scouting for deer for the hunt.
East with his faceprint from the church activity.
Easton did my makeup...
Pumpkin Walk

We dropped the kids off at Hyrum Dam. Blake took these photos.

Blake rocking the selfie
Blizzard basketball started up!

These giant leaves are from our tree in the backyard.

Carving pumpkins

Bryan scaring Easton with the other pumpkins.

Helping Grandma and Grandpa Palmer rake their leaves.

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