Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Thursday, March 14, 2019

September 2018

We started out the month by going to the Wellsville founders day parade with Jenny and her family. 
 We spent labor day driving up the mountains around Manuta. Just enjoying Bryan's new truck!

 We did lots of fishing.

 Bryan put together a neighborhood picnic. He was elders quorum president at the time. We got a bounce house and had lots of yummy food. We had a huge turn out!
 My friend Leigh and I.
 Bryan's friend Kyle was here from Ohio for the LOTOJA race and stayed at our house with his kids. I met Kyle when Bryan and I were dating and those two are so much alike. I wish Kyle, Ann and their kids lived closer! We would be good friends for sure. Their kids got along with ours really good too.

 Grandmas birthday.

Pulling teeth 

 Bryan took my older boys on Ron Christenses Elk hunt
 Middle of September Bryan was put in the bishopric of my ward. It pretty much means he is gone on Sunday a lot and I sit by myself. Our close friend Brett McEvoy (who we named our Brett after) is the bishop and Shawn Barker is the other councilor. Bryan was made a high priest (which they don't do much anymore) by his dad. My parents and Grandma came to support us as well. The boys didn't like that Bryan shaved his beard. They told him that he looked fat.

One crazy story was a dream my friend Shelly had. She sits behind us at church every week and is a close friend. She said they were all wondering who the next bishop would be and she had a dream she was sitting at church and Bryan's parents came in and sat by her. Well low and behold they came in to see Bryan get sustained and sat next to Shelly and her family.

Bryan's mom told me that seeing him walk up to the front of the chapel to sit on the stand in the bishopric brought her to tears. Bryan had some ups and downs with church as a teenager and she said if only she could have seen that day in her mind. She could have slept a lot better! He is doing a amazing job in our bishopric and works really hard. I'm really proud of him.

 Blake got her arrow of light! It was fun that he got it with is good friend Raden too.

 How Ty looked when he came back from his campout.

 Easton got into my nail polish....
 I was cleaning out the fish tank and East was "helping" me. I looked over at him and he had the tube that pushes air into the tank and DRANK some of that nasty fish water. I want to throw up thinking about it.
 Getting pumpkins at our favorite place!

 We took my Grandma with us.

 Bryan was taking the boys fishing and since it was getting colder and wouldn't be gone as much anymore we gave Blake is birthday present early.

 Bryan teaching Blake how to mow with the riding lawn mower.

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