Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, September 8, 2019

February 2019

 Superbowl party at Jenny and Ron's house. Sannette is my buddy.
 Stockton did our family home evening lesson.
 Ty made "jaws".
 Brett almost bit through his lip.
 Our bishopric

 Stockton slept all night on his floor like this. And Eastons cookie from Maceys
 Valentines Day
 Stockton's Valentines day tea

 Brett rocked the halls!
 I photographed a event that was a valentines day gala and had to dress up.
 My boys cooked pancakes for dinner. It was a good day.
 We went to the aquarium in Layton where you can actually touch and feed the fish. The boys loved it!

 Stockton said he touched something like 50 sharks. He was thrilled.

 Cleaning his room

 Basketball season- Blake's competitive league and jr jazz and Stockton and Brett were on the same Jr Jazz team.

 Our nephew Spencer got his mission call. We drove to Wyoming after school and back at home that evening. It was well worth the drive! My boys were excited to be there when he opened his call. He was called to Argentina and left in the middle of June. My kids, specially Easton miss him a ton.

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