I can't tell you how happy I am to see this post! My computer lost almost all of my photos from 2015 to now last October. I've spent months on the phone with apple trying to fix it. They found some but most are still lost. I got on my blog and found this post I haven't posted and here are bunch of photos. I'm so grateful they are still here!
Stock drew a photo on the top side of my fan and East squished a bug.Nice older brother dressed up to play with East.
Blake plays a lot of basketball! Here is his competitive team the blizzard.
Tyson got SO sick. He got the flu even though he had the shot. He missed lots of school.
Blake rocked the halls!
My baby! All grown up and in a big kid bed!
Blake's jr jazz team. Below Stock and Brett were on the same team.
We got a 4wheeler! Can you tell the kids are fans?
His pirate bed is done! We just need to paint next!
Ty getting evaluated for braces.
He knew I wanted him covered up so he wouldn't get paint on him!
I put up a baby wallpaper boarder when we built this house. I wanted to change it up and East was getting old enough to not need baby stuff up.
Stock got 1st place at the derby!
Blakes team won for the best sportsmanship at jr jazz so they got to go to SLC and meet a couple of jazz players. Bryan took Ty, Brett and Blakes friends from the team and our ward Kyle and Ikom.
Family fishing trip. Usually we wouldn't build a fire but it was freezing and no way was going to start anything else on fire. Everything was so wet!
We brought Ty's friend Jack with us.
Ski the Beav
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