Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Disneyland Day 3

If I had to sum up day three it would be rain. We knew it was going to rain from the first day of our trip. Before we left I threw all of the ponchos out because it said no rain. So we drove to target on our way to our hotel and bought some to prepare for it. Good thing too! We did the early morning entry we had and the park was busier then I had ever seen it before. I don't think I'll ever make the effort to go early again. It was worse then in the day because tons of people had the pass and they only open a small part of the park. Once it fully opened we ran to thunder mountain and the line was instantly 45 minutes long. I've never in my life seen it like that.

We went for splash mountain first since we had our ponchos anyway. Apparently I have only one stupid face while going down splash mountain.

 Winnie the Pooh
 The only thing East loved from the beginning was pirate island. Grandma and the younger three boys and I headed over. We spent at least a hour here.

 There was so much to see and explore. The boys absolutely loved running around.

Crazy story. I got on the raft to go back over to the rest of Disneyland and I hear someone call my name. It was my friend Taralee from high school. From high school! I haven't seen her since high school either. I am mad I didn't get a photo.

As soon as we got to the over side it started to rain. Then it just didn't rain it POURED. How lucky we weren't on the island when it started because it didn't stop for hours and our rain gear was with Bryan.

Ok funny story. I wish I had a photo or video of this but we don't. Debbie (Grandma) and I took the kids on thunder mountain because what else are we going to do? They started closing a lot of rides so there wasn't much to do besides that where we were. It always rained while we were in line but sometimes it wasn't very bad at all.  Until we got on the ride. I thought I don't want to wear my poncho but as soon as it started going and I was getting pelted with water I threw my hood back on. I kid you not it felt like someone was spraying you in the face with a hose! I wish I had a video of it. I just giggled like crazy. I couldn't help it. It was so dumb it was funny. What were we doing?!? Getting soaked on a roller coaster.

 We ate lunch were Bryan and Lige found a place to stay dry and then the majority or our group gave up. We were so soaked. By then because of lightening they had closed almost all of the park. Ty turns to me as we are walking out and said "I don't want to leave yet!" so I stayed with him.

 He let me take pictures of him. Also his poncho is ripped because some girl was trying to walk off with it and ripped it trying to put it on... she was a adult too. Also look at the castle. They fixed it a couple of years ago too and covered it up. It looks dumb all covered up. We always get there before they put the drawing of the castle in front of it.
 The walk ways were like rivers of water. Our feet were so soaked.
 We rode peter pan and then gave up. We would have been better off walking bare foot because there was so much water in our shoes.

We dried off in the hotel (glad we were across the street!) and headed back once the storm was over. Right behind us in line was Bryan's friend Spencer. He grew up with him and was in our student ward when we met. Seriously we always run into friends we know.

 The last few hours of Disneyland were the best! The lines were way less because of the rain and Easton FINALLY decided he liked the pirates ride.

 Brett was Grandpas best buddy the whole trip. He wanted to go on every ride with him.
 Easton finally living his pirate dream on the pirates ride.

 The cool clouds.
 Tea Cups

 Our last ride. Everyone else left but we stayed until closing.

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