Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Braden comes home!

One of my very favorite things in the whole world is going to a missionary homecoming. I haven't even been to many of them! Braden is my sister in law Jennys third missionary and he completed his two year mission in south Africa. We had a huge crowd! Becca's, Joe's and part of my family was there. Bryan and my older boys were at scout camp. I was able to face time Bryan though so he could see him come home which was way cool. 

 Sannette totally understood what was going on. She would not stop staring at the stairs looking for him to come. We waited a very long time for him to finally come. 

 Some of Ron's family was at the airport as well. 
 It had been 6 years since Jenny had all of her kids together at the same time. 6! So this was a important moment to capture. Briana was gone when he left so they hadn't seen each other for 3 1/2 years. Colton and Bri got married while he was gone and Colton had a new baby. A lot had changed. 
 Future Palmer Missionaries. 

Easton loves Braden. He is his new pirate buddy since Spencer left on his mission. 

June 2019

 Last day of 7th grade! Freedom!

 We had caterpillars that turned into butterflies in our house for a couple of weeks. Stockton still loves bugs and especially caterpillars. When they were ready to fly away I had to grab some photos of it.

 Being a pirate is a hard job.
 My friend Heather McEvoy called me up in like August and asked me what I was doing in June on like the 6th. (I can't remember what day for sure.) she bought tickets to see new kids on the block along with some other 80ies and early 90ies fav artist and had a ticket for me. I'll be honest- they were a little before my time so I wasn't too excited but thought it would be a fun girls night out. Boy was it fun! Our friend Amy and Shelly came too and we had a blast! Dancing and singing to all the songs. It was one of the best things I did all last year. I never get out and leave my kids and It was really needed.

 We headed to Wyoming for Spencers missionary farewell. Jenny and Joe's family were there too so we were only missing Becca who got in town just after he left to the airport.

 Stocktons cub scout day camp.

 Hike up to the temple sawmill.

 He only comes when he can bring a bug catcher and cage.
 Brett (in background) picked me flowers.

 Bryan's new toy for fathers day. A hedge trimmer.
 We love our water turn

 For Fathers day we all went up to Grandma and Grandpas to celebrate. Jenny's, Joe's and our family. A soccer game started then a kick ball game. It was the best evening. The kids has so much fun together. It was so good to see our Kentucky cousins.

 Getting his teeth cleaned.
 Grandpas birthday! We went out to dinner at Maddox.

 Tyson and Blake went to scout camp in the middle of June. They had the best time! I'm so glad they got to experience scout camp since I grew up with my dad being the director at one. I spent three summers working at one as well.

I took McCalls baptism photos 

 Laser tag with the cousins. East was mad because I didn't sign him up to do it.

 The cousins.