Mothers of little boys work from son up til son down

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

April 2019

My computer still can't read most of my photos and I'm especially missing April 2019. I have blogged earlier months and had May- Dec in lightroom so it's just poor April I'm really missing. I did my best to find as many photos as I could. I'm especially missing Brett's birthday! Most everything else isn't a huge loss. 

The boys had a father and sons campout. Grandpa Palmer even came! 

 Lots of soccer

 I had been doing a lot of sessions at the Logan temple and made my kids go up while the tulips were in bloom and grab some photos!

 4-wheeler rides


 Annual Manly Easter Photo. we dropped the ball on going somewhere cool for it.
 Grandmas Easter Egg hunt.

 Blakes first official Priesthood session.
 We stayed in SLC first of April for spring break at a hotel and then went to a jazz game. It was just a quick get away.

 My sweet Brett's 7th birthday! We had a party at the fun park with some of his friends. Hopefully I can get back the other photos of his friends that I had! This is his best friend Owen.

 Special birthday lunch.

 Jazz game from spring break.

 Blake- scaring his brothers.
 Easton had some cavities and had to be sedated to fix them. He was so out of it and puked a bunch.

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